100+ Essential French Words and Phrases for Beginners

Updated on 2024-08-21

Are you new to French and about to visit a French-speaking country? Don't worry! This guide will equip you with over 100 essential French words and phrases to help you navigate basic conversations.

We've organized them into categories for easy reference, focusing on practical, everyday language rather than complex grammar.

Basic French Greetings and Politeness

Start your French journey with these fundamental expressions:

  • Yes - Oui
  • No - Non
  • Please (informal) - S'il-te-plaît (stp)
  • Please (formal) - S'il-vous-plaît (svp)
  • Thank you - Merci
  • No, thank you - Non, merci
  • You're welcome - De rien
  • Sorry - Pardon, Désolé

Saying Hello and Goodbye

Learn these essential greetings:

  • Hello - Bonjour
  • Hi - Salut
  • Good evening - Bonsoir
  • Goodbye - Au revoir
  • Good night - Bonne nuit

Introducing Yourself in French

Use these phrases to make a great first impression:

  • How are you? - Comment ça va ?
  • I'm fine - Ça va
  • I'm fine, and you? - Ça va, et toi ?
  • What's your name? - Comment tu t'appelles ?
  • My name is... - Je m'appelle...
  • I'm from... - Je viens de...
  • What do you do? - Qu'est-ce que vous faites dans la vie ?

Essential French Question Words

Master these question words to form basic queries:

  • Who? - Qui ?
  • What? - Quoi ?
  • When? - Quand ?
  • Where? - Où ?
  • Why? - Pourquoi ?
  • How? - Comment ?
  • What time is it? - Quelle heure est-il ?

Expressing Opinions in French

Learn to share your thoughts with these simple phrases:

  • It's good - C'est bon, C'est bien
  • It's bad - C'est mauvais, C'est mal
  • I like it - J'aime bien
  • I love it - J'adore
  • I don't like it - Je n'aime pas
  • I don't know - Je ne sais pas

Asking for Directions in French

Navigate your way through French-speaking areas:

  • I'm lost - Je suis perdu(e)
  • Where is...? - Où est... ?
  • Where are the toilets? - Où sont les toilettes ?
  • Left - À gauche
  • Right - À droite
  • Straight ahead - Tout droit

French Restaurant Vocabulary

Order food and drinks with confidence:

  • Is the kitchen open? - Est-ce que la cuisine est ouverte ?
  • The kitchen is closed, sorry - La cuisine est fermée, désolé
  • I want... - Je veux...
  • I don't want... - Je ne veux pas...
  • A glass of red wine, please - Un verre de vin rouge, s'il vous plaît
  • Some water, please - De l'eau, s'il vous plaît
  • The bill, please - L'addition, s'il vous plaît

Shopping in French

Make purchases with these useful phrases:

  • How much is it? - Combien ça coûte ?
  • It's (not) expensive! - C'est (pas) cher !
  • It's free - C'est gratuit
  • By cash - En liquide, En espèces
  • By credit card - Par carte de crédit
  • Can I have a bag? - Je peux avoir un sac ?

Talking About Language Skills

Express your language abilities:

  • I don't speak French - Je ne parle pas français
  • Do you speak English? - Parlez-vous anglais ?
  • What language(s) do you speak? - Quelle(s) langue(s) parlez-vous ?
  • How do you say...? - Comment on dit... ?

Common French Exclamations

Add some flair to your French with these expressions:

  • Of course - Bien sûr
  • That's life - C'est la vie
  • Let's go! - Allons-y !
  • Congratulations! - Félicitations !
  • Good luck - Bonne chance
  • Cheers! - Santé !


Learning these basic French words and phrases will give you a solid foundation for communicating in French-speaking environments.

Practice is key to improving your language skills. Consider using leçon.ai, an AI-powered French learning platform, to enhance your vocabulary and pronunciation through personalized lessons and real-time feedback.

Keep practicing, and soon you'll find yourself conversing with more confidence in French!

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About leçon.ai

leçon.ai is your AI-powered 1-1 French tutor, available 24/7. From your first "Ça va?" to mastering complex grammar, learn more efficiently with leçon.ai's individualized learning path.

We offer real-time pronunciation feedback, personalized writing correction, and instant answers to your grammar questions.

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