15 French Expressions to Master Small Talk

Updated on 2024-08-18

Mastering small talk in French is a valuable skill that can help you connect with native speakers and feel more at ease in social situations. This guide introduces 15 key expressions to elevate your casual conversation skills in French.

Setting the Tone

"Ça va ?" - This versatile phrase means "How's it going?" and is perfect for starting a conversation. You can respond with "Ça va bien, et toi ?" (It's going well, and you?)

"Quoi de neuf ?" - Equivalent to "What's new?", this expression invites the other person to share recent happenings in their life.

Keeping the Conversation Flowing

"Ah bon ?" - Use this to express interest or mild surprise, similar to "Oh really?" in English.

"C'est vrai ?" - Meaning "Is that true?", this phrase shows you're engaged in the conversation.

"Je vois" - Translating to "I see", this simple acknowledgment encourages the speaker to continue.

Expressing Agreement

"Tout à fait" - A stronger way to agree than "oui", meaning "absolutely" or "exactly".

"C'est clair" - Literally "It's clear", this phrase expresses strong agreement, similar to "That's for sure".

Changing the Subject

"Au fait" - Use this to introduce a new topic, similar to "By the way" in English.

"À propos" - Another way to change the subject, meaning "Speaking of".

Wrapping Up

"Bon, je dois y aller" - A polite way to end the conversation, meaning "Well, I must be going".

"On se tient au courant" - Use this to suggest staying in touch, similar to "Let's keep each other updated".

Cultural Tidbits

"Tu connais la dernière ?" - Literally "Do you know the latest?", use this to introduce gossip or news.

"C'est pas terrible" - Despite sounding positive in English, this actually means "It's not great".

"C'est pas évident" - A diplomatic way to say something is difficult or not straightforward.

"Bof" - A versatile expression of indifference or mild disappointment.

By integrating these expressions into your French conversations, you'll sound more natural and build stronger connections with native speakers. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to use these phrases whenever you have the chance!

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