15 French Household Vocabulary Words to Make Your Home Cozy
Furnishing your French vocabulary with household terms is essential for describing your living space or discussing home life. Whether you're apartment hunting in Paris or simply want to chat about your decor in French, these 15 words will help you feel right at home.
Essential Furniture Terms
Le lit (The bed)
More than just a place to sleep, "le lit" is central to any bedroom. Example: "Mon lit est très confortable" (My bed is very comfortable).
La table (The table)
A versatile word for any eating or work surface. "Nous dînons à la table" (We dine at the table).
Le canapé (The sofa)
The heart of many living rooms. "Le canapé en cuir est dans le salon" (The leather sofa is in the living room).
Kitchen Essentials
Le frigo (The fridge)
A colloquial shortening of "réfrigérateur". "Il faut remplir le frigo" (We need to fill the fridge).
La cuisinière (The stove)
Where culinary magic happens. "La cuisinière est en panne" (The stove is broken).
Bathroom Basics
La douche (The shower)
"Je prends une douche tous les matins" (I take a shower every morning).
Le miroir (The mirror)
"Je me regarde dans le miroir" (I look at myself in the mirror).
Living Room Lingo
La télé (The TV)
Short for "télévision". "On regarde la télé le soir" (We watch TV in the evening).
Le tapis (The rug)
"Le tapis persan est magnifique" (The Persian rug is beautiful).
Bedroom Vocabulary
L'armoire (f) (The wardrobe)
"Mes vêtements sont dans l'armoire" (My clothes are in the wardrobe).
L'oreiller (m) (The pillow)
"J'ai besoin d'un nouvel oreiller" (I need a new pillow).
Outdoor Space
Le balcon (The balcony)
"Les plantes sont sur le balcon" (The plants are on the balcony).
Le jardin (The garden)
"Nous cultivons des légumes dans le jardin" (We grow vegetables in the garden).
Practical Items
La lampe (The lamp)
"Allume la lampe, s'il te plaît" (Turn on the lamp, please).
Les rideaux (m) (The curtains)
"Ferme les rideaux pour dormir" (Close the curtains to sleep).
By mastering these 15 French household vocabulary words, you'll be able to describe your living space with confidence and engage in everyday conversations about home life. Practice using these words in context to make them stick, and soon you'll feel comme chez vous (at home) in French domestic discussions.