15 French Phrases to Ace Your Next Presentation

Updated on 2024-08-18

Preparing for a presentation in French? Whether you're pitching a business idea, giving a lecture, or presenting a project, these 15 phrases will help you navigate your talk with confidence and professionalism.

Opening Your Presentation

  • "Bonjour à tous et merci d'être là aujourd'hui." (Hello everyone and thank you for being here today.)
  • "Je suis ravi(e) de vous présenter..." (I'm delighted to present to you...)
  • "Le sujet de ma présentation est..." (The topic of my presentation is...)

Structuring Your Talk

  • "Commençons par..." (Let's start with...)
  • "Passons maintenant à..." (Let's now move on to...)
  • "Pour illustrer ce point..." (To illustrate this point...)

Engaging Your Audience

  • "Avez-vous des questions à ce stade ?" (Do you have any questions at this point?)
  • "Comme vous pouvez le voir sur cette diapositive..." (As you can see on this slide...)
  • "Prenons un exemple concret..." (Let's take a concrete example...)

Handling Questions

  • "Excellente question !" (Excellent question!)
  • "Si j'ai bien compris votre question..." (If I've understood your question correctly...)
  • "Je vais me renseigner et revenir vers vous." (I'll look into that and get back to you.)

Concluding Your Presentation

  • "En conclusion..." (In conclusion...)
  • "Merci de votre attention." (Thank you for your attention.)
  • "Je suis à votre disposition pour répondre à vos questions." (I'm available to answer your questions.)

Using these phrases will help structure your presentation and make it more engaging for your French-speaking audience. Remember to practice your pronunciation and delivery to boost your confidence. Bonne chance !

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