15 French Phrases to Confidently Navigate a Wine Tasting

Updated on 2024-08-18

Wine tasting is an integral part of French culture, and knowing the right phrases can enhance your experience and impress your companions. Whether you're a wine enthusiast or a casual taster, these 15 French phrases will help you navigate a wine tasting with confidence.

Essential Tasting Vocabulary


  • "La robe est..." (The color is...): Use this to describe the wine's appearance. Example: "La robe est rubis profond." (The color is deep ruby.)

  • "Le vin a des reflets..." (The wine has hints of...): Perfect for noting color nuances. Example: "Le vin a des reflets dorés." (The wine has golden hints.)


  • "Au nez, je sens..." (On the nose, I smell...): Ideal for describing the wine's scent. Example: "Au nez, je sens des notes de fruits rouges." (On the nose, I smell notes of red fruits.)

  • "Les arômes sont..." (The aromas are...): Use this to summarize the overall bouquet. Example: "Les arômes sont intenses et complexes." (The aromas are intense and complex.)


  • "En bouche, c'est..." (On the palate, it's...): A great opener for taste descriptions. Example: "En bouche, c'est rond et velouté." (On the palate, it's round and velvety.)

  • "La finale est..." (The finish is...): Use this to describe the lasting impression. Example: "La finale est longue et persistante." (The finish is long and persistent.)

Expressing Opinions

  • "Ce vin est bien équilibré." (This wine is well-balanced.): A positive general comment.

  • "Il y a une belle harmonie entre..." (There's a nice harmony between...): For noting good combinations. Example: "Il y a une belle harmonie entre l'acidité et les tanins." (There's a nice harmony between the acidity and tannins.)

  • "Je trouve ce vin..." (I find this wine...): A personal opinion starter. Example: "Je trouve ce vin élégant et raffiné." (I find this wine elegant and refined.)

Useful Questions

  • "Quelle est la région d'origine?" (What's the region of origin?): To learn about the wine's provenance.

  • "Quel est le cépage principal?" (What's the main grape variety?): Essential for understanding the wine's character.

  • "Comment décririez-vous le millésime?" (How would you describe the vintage?): To gain insights about the particular year.

Polite Interactions

  • "Pourriez-vous m'en dire plus sur...?" (Could you tell me more about...?): Shows interest and engagement.

  • "Je préfère les vins..." (I prefer wines that are...): Helps the sommelier understand your taste. Example: "Je préfère les vins plus tanniques." (I prefer more tannic wines.)

  • "Merci pour cette dégustation." (Thank you for this tasting.): A polite way to conclude your experience.

By mastering these phrases, you'll not only enhance your wine tasting experience but also gain a deeper appreciation for French wine culture. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to use these expressions at your next wine event!

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