15 French Phrases to Nail Your Next Business Meeting

Updated on 2024-08-18

Attending a business meeting in French can be daunting, but with the right phrases, you'll navigate it like a pro. Whether you're presenting ideas, negotiating deals, or networking, these 15 expressions will help you communicate confidently in a French professional environment.

Opening the Meeting

Start your meeting on the right foot with these phrases:

  1. "Commençons la réunion" - Let's start the meeting
  2. "Merci à tous d'être présents" - Thank you all for being here
  3. "Passons à l'ordre du jour" - Let's move on to the agenda

Presenting Ideas

When it's time to share your thoughts:

  1. "J'aimerais proposer une idée" - I'd like to propose an idea
  2. "Permettez-moi d'ajouter" - Allow me to add
  3. "Pour résumer" - To summarize

Asking for Input

Encourage participation with:

  1. "Qu'en pensez-vous?" - What do you think?
  2. "Avez-vous des questions?" - Do you have any questions?
  3. "Pouvez-vous développer ce point?" - Can you elaborate on this point?

Agreeing and Disagreeing

Express your stance professionally:

  1. "Je suis tout à fait d'accord" - I completely agree
  2. "Je vois les choses différemment" - I see things differently
  3. "Pourrions-nous envisager une alternative?" - Could we consider an alternative?

Closing the Meeting

End on a strong note:

  1. "Pour conclure" - To conclude
  2. "Résumons les points d'action" - Let's summarize the action points
  3. "Merci pour votre participation" - Thank you for your participation

By mastering these phrases, you'll demonstrate your French language skills and business acumen. Remember, confidence is key - practice these expressions, and you'll be ready to tackle your next French business meeting with ease.

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