15 French Phrases to Navigate Car Rentals with Ease

Updated on 2024-08-18

Renting a car in France can be a great way to explore the country at your own pace. However, navigating the process in French can be daunting. Here are 15 essential phrases to help you rent a car with confidence.

At the Rental Counter

"Je voudrais louer une voiture" - I would like to rent a car

"Avez-vous une voiture disponible pour [nombre de jours]?" - Do you have a car available for [number of days]?

"Quel est le prix par jour?" - What's the price per day?

"Je préfère une transmission automatique/manuelle" - I prefer an automatic/manual transmission

Insurance and Paperwork

"L'assurance est-elle incluse?" - Is insurance included?

"Où dois-je signer?" - Where should I sign?

"Puis-je avoir une copie du contrat?" - Can I have a copy of the contract?

Vehicle Features and Condition

"Comment fonctionne le GPS?" - How does the GPS work?

"Où est le plein d'essence?" - Where's the fuel cap?

"Y a-t-il des dommages existants?" - Are there any existing damages?

On the Road

"Où puis-je faire le plein?" - Where can I refuel?

"Comment puis-je payer les péages?" - How can I pay for tolls?

Returning the Car

"Où dois-je garer la voiture?" - Where should I park the car?

"Dois-je faire le plein avant de rendre la voiture?" - Should I refill the tank before returning the car?

"Pouvez-vous vérifier la voiture maintenant?" - Can you check the car now?

Remember, practice makes perfect. Try using these phrases before your trip to build confidence. Bonne route!

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