15 French Phrases to Rock Your Next Karaoke Night

Updated on 2024-08-18

Ready to take your French skills to the stage? Whether you're belting out classics in a Parisian bar or just practicing in your living room, these 15 French phrases will help you navigate the world of French karaoke like a pro.

Setting the Scene

Before you grab the mic, get comfortable with these essential phrases:

  • "Je voudrais chanter" (I'd like to sing)
  • "Quelle est la prochaine chanson?" (What's the next song?)
  • "As-tu le catalogue des chansons?" (Do you have the song catalog?)

Choosing Your Song

Pick your perfect tune with confidence:

  • "Je choisis cette chanson" (I choose this song)
  • "C'est mon tour" (It's my turn)
  • "Peux-tu mettre le son plus fort/bas?" (Can you turn the volume up/down?)

Encouraging Others

Be a supportive audience member:

  • "Bravo, c'était génial!" (Bravo, that was great!)
  • "Encore une!" (One more!)
  • "Tu as une belle voix" (You have a beautiful voice)

Handling Mishaps

Don't let little mistakes throw you off:

  • "Oups, j'ai oublié les paroles" (Oops, I forgot the lyrics)
  • "Je ne connais pas bien cette partie" (I don't know this part well)
  • "On recommence?" (Shall we start over?)

Wrapping Up

End your karaoke session on a high note:

  • "Merci pour cette soirée incroyable" (Thanks for this incredible evening)
  • "À la prochaine fois!" (Until next time!)
  • "On devrait faire ça plus souvent" (We should do this more often)

With these phrases in your repertoire, you'll be ready to shine at your next French karaoke night. Remember, it's all about having fun and connecting with others through music. So don't be shy – grab that mic and let your French skills soar!

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