15 French Slang Terms to Sound Like a Local

Updated on 2024-08-18

French slang, or "argot," can add flair to your language skills and help you connect with native speakers. Here are 15 popular French slang terms to spice up your conversations:

Essential French Slang Terms

1. Kiffer

Meaning: To really like or enjoy something Example: "Je kiffe cette chanson!" (I love this song!)

2. Bosser

Meaning: To work (informal) Example: "Je dois bosser ce weekend." (I have to work this weekend.)

3. Mec / Meuf

Meaning: Guy / Girl Example: "T'as vu ce mec là-bas?" (Did you see that guy over there?)

4. Chelou

Meaning: Weird or sketchy (verlan for "louche") Example: "Ce type est vraiment chelou." (This guy is really weird.)

5. Ouf

Meaning: Crazy (verlan for "fou") Example: "C'était une soirée de ouf!" (It was a crazy party!)

More Colorful Expressions

6. Avoir la flemme

Meaning: To not feel like doing something Example: "J'ai la flemme de sortir ce soir." (I don't feel like going out tonight.)

7. C'est chaud

Meaning: It's intense/difficult/complicated Example: "L'examen? C'était chaud!" (The exam? It was tough!)

8. Être canon

Meaning: To be very attractive Example: "Son nouveau copain est canon!" (Her new boyfriend is hot!)

9. Balancer

Meaning: To snitch or tell on someone Example: "Ne me balance pas à la prof!" (Don't snitch on me to the teacher!)

10. Nickel

Meaning: Perfect, great Example: "Ton travail est nickel!" (Your work is perfect!)

Wrapping Up Your Slang Vocabulary

11. Relou

Meaning: Annoying (verlan for "lourd") Example: "Ce bruit est vraiment relou." (This noise is really annoying.)

12. Être raccord

Meaning: To match or go well together Example: "Tes chaussures sont raccord avec ta robe." (Your shoes match your dress well.)

13. Ça déchire

Meaning: It's awesome Example: "Ce concert déchire!" (This concert is awesome!)

14. Péter un câble

Meaning: To lose it, to go crazy Example: "Il a pété un câble quand il a appris la nouvelle." (He lost it when he heard the news.)

15. Faire gaffe

Meaning: To be careful Example: "Fais gaffe en traversant la rue!" (Be careful when crossing the street!)

Using these slang terms will help you sound more natural in casual French conversations. Remember, context is key – use them wisely and in appropriate situations!

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