15 French Slang Terms to Sound Like a Local
French slang, or "argot," can add flair to your language skills and help you connect with native speakers. Here are 15 popular French slang terms to spice up your conversations:
Essential French Slang Terms
1. Kiffer
Meaning: To really like or enjoy something Example: "Je kiffe cette chanson!" (I love this song!)
2. Bosser
Meaning: To work (informal) Example: "Je dois bosser ce weekend." (I have to work this weekend.)
3. Mec / Meuf
Meaning: Guy / Girl Example: "T'as vu ce mec là-bas?" (Did you see that guy over there?)
4. Chelou
Meaning: Weird or sketchy (verlan for "louche") Example: "Ce type est vraiment chelou." (This guy is really weird.)
5. Ouf
Meaning: Crazy (verlan for "fou") Example: "C'était une soirée de ouf!" (It was a crazy party!)
More Colorful Expressions
6. Avoir la flemme
Meaning: To not feel like doing something Example: "J'ai la flemme de sortir ce soir." (I don't feel like going out tonight.)
7. C'est chaud
Meaning: It's intense/difficult/complicated Example: "L'examen? C'était chaud!" (The exam? It was tough!)
8. Être canon
Meaning: To be very attractive Example: "Son nouveau copain est canon!" (Her new boyfriend is hot!)
9. Balancer
Meaning: To snitch or tell on someone Example: "Ne me balance pas à la prof!" (Don't snitch on me to the teacher!)
10. Nickel
Meaning: Perfect, great Example: "Ton travail est nickel!" (Your work is perfect!)
Wrapping Up Your Slang Vocabulary
11. Relou
Meaning: Annoying (verlan for "lourd") Example: "Ce bruit est vraiment relou." (This noise is really annoying.)
12. Être raccord
Meaning: To match or go well together Example: "Tes chaussures sont raccord avec ta robe." (Your shoes match your dress well.)
13. Ça déchire
Meaning: It's awesome Example: "Ce concert déchire!" (This concert is awesome!)
14. Péter un câble
Meaning: To lose it, to go crazy Example: "Il a pété un câble quand il a appris la nouvelle." (He lost it when he heard the news.)
15. Faire gaffe
Meaning: To be careful Example: "Fais gaffe en traversant la rue!" (Be careful when crossing the street!)
Using these slang terms will help you sound more natural in casual French conversations. Remember, context is key – use them wisely and in appropriate situations!