15 French Sports Idioms to Score in Conversation

Updated on 2024-08-18

Sports are a universal language, and in French, they've inspired many colorful idioms. Mastering these expressions will not only enrich your vocabulary but also help you connect with French speakers on a more cultural level. Let's dive into 15 sports-related French idioms that will give your conversations a winning edge.

Kick Off with Football Expressions

"Avoir du pain sur la planche" (To have bread on the board) This expression means to have a lot of work ahead, like a football team facing a tough match. Example: "Avec ce nouveau projet, on a du pain sur la planche."

"Mettre la charrue avant les bœufs" (To put the cart before the horse) Used when someone's rushing into things without proper preparation. Example: "Ne mets pas la charrue avant les bœufs, finissons le plan d'abord."

Score with Tennis Phrases

"Être à deux doigts de" (To be two fingers away from) This means being very close to achieving something, like winning a tennis match. Example: "J'étais à deux doigts de réussir l'examen."

"Renvoyer la balle" (To return the ball) Used when shifting responsibility back to someone else. Example: "Il m'a reproché mon retard, mais j'ai renvoyé la balle en rappelant le sien."

Run with Athletics Idioms

"Prendre ses jambes à son cou" (To take one's legs to one's neck) This vivid expression means to run away very quickly. Example: "Quand il a vu l'ours, il a pris ses jambes à son cou."

"Courir sur le haricot" (To run on the bean) This means to annoy someone persistently. Example: "Arrête de me poser la même question, tu me cours sur le haricot!"

Swim Through Aquatic Expressions

"Nager entre deux eaux" (To swim between two waters) Used to describe someone who's hesitating between two options. Example: "Il nage entre deux eaux, incapable de choisir entre ces deux offres d'emploi."

"Se jeter à l'eau" (To throw oneself into the water) This means to take the plunge or to go for it. Example: "N'hésite pas, jette-toi à l'eau et demande-lui de sortir avec toi!"

Cycle Through More Sports Idioms

"Pédaler dans la semoule" (To pedal in semolina) This funny expression means to struggle without making progress. Example: "J'ai pédalé dans la semoule toute la journée sur ce problème."

"Remettre les pendules à l'heure" (To reset the clocks) Used when setting the record straight or clarifying a misunderstanding. Example: "Il faut que je remette les pendules à l'heure avec mon patron sur mes responsabilités."

Boxing Expressions Pack a Punch

"Jeter l'éponge" (To throw in the towel) Just like in boxing, this means to give up. Example: "Après trois heures d'essais, j'ai jeté l'éponge et appelé un plombier."

"Être dans les cordes" (To be on the ropes) This means to be in a difficult situation, cornered. Example: "Avec toutes ces dettes, il est vraiment dans les cordes."

Cross the Finish Line with These Final Idioms

"Avoir plusieurs cordes à son arc" (To have several strings to one's bow) This means to have multiple skills or options. Example: "Marie parle trois langues et sait coder, elle a vraiment plusieurs cordes à son arc."

"Faire mouche" (To hit the bullseye) This means to be successful or to hit the mark. Example: "Son discours a fait mouche auprès du public."

"Mettre la barre haut" (To set the bar high) Used when setting high standards or ambitious goals. Example: "Pour ce projet, le patron a mis la barre haut, ça va être un défi."

By incorporating these sports idioms into your French conversations, you'll add flair and authenticity to your language skills. Practice using them in context, and soon you'll be scoring points with native speakers left and right!

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