15 French Weather Expressions to Forecast Your Day

Updated on 2024-08-18

Weather often sparks conversations, whether you're chatting with locals or planning your day. Learning French weather expressions will help you understand forecasts and engage in small talk effortlessly. Let's explore 15 key phrases to discuss the weather in French.

Sunny Days

"Il fait beau" - It's nice out Example: "Il fait beau aujourd'hui, allons au parc." (It's nice out today, let's go to the park.)

"Il y a du soleil" - It's sunny Example: "Il y a du soleil, n'oublie pas ta crème solaire." (It's sunny, don't forget your sunscreen.)

Rainy Weather

"Il pleut" - It's raining Example: "Il pleut, prends ton parapluie." (It's raining, take your umbrella.)

"Il bruine" - It's drizzling Example: "Il bruine légèrement, mais on peut encore se promener." (It's drizzling lightly, but we can still go for a walk.)

Temperature Talk

"Il fait chaud" - It's hot Example: "Il fait chaud, je vais mettre la climatisation." (It's hot, I'm going to turn on the air conditioning.)

"Il fait froid" - It's cold Example: "Il fait froid ce matin, mets ton manteau." (It's cold this morning, put on your coat.)

Windy Conditions

"Il y a du vent" - It's windy Example: "Il y a du vent, attention aux branches d'arbres." (It's windy, watch out for tree branches.)

"Il y a une brise" - There's a breeze Example: "Il y a une brise agréable sur la plage." (There's a pleasant breeze at the beach.)

Cloudy Skies

"Le ciel est nuageux" - The sky is cloudy Example: "Le ciel est nuageux, mais il ne pleuvra pas." (The sky is cloudy, but it won't rain.)

"Il y a du brouillard" - It's foggy Example: "Il y a du brouillard ce matin, conduis prudemment." (It's foggy this morning, drive carefully.)

Extreme Weather

"Il y a un orage" - There's a thunderstorm Example: "Il y a un orage, restons à l'intérieur." (There's a thunderstorm, let's stay inside.)

"Il neige" - It's snowing Example: "Il neige ! Sortons faire un bonhomme de neige." (It's snowing! Let's go out and make a snowman.)

Asking About the Weather

"Quel temps fait-il ?" - What's the weather like? Example: "Quel temps fait-il à Paris aujourd'hui ?" (What's the weather like in Paris today?)

"Quelle est la prévision météo ?" - What's the weather forecast? Example: "Quelle est la prévision météo pour demain ?" (What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?)

"Le temps va-t-il s'améliorer ?" - Will the weather improve? Example: "Le temps va-t-il s'améliorer ce week-end ?" (Will the weather improve this weekend?)

By mastering these 15 French weather expressions, you'll be well-equipped to discuss the forecast and engage in everyday conversations about the weather. Practice using these phrases, and you'll sound more natural and confident in your French interactions.

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