15 Handy French Expressions for Shopping Like a Local

Updated on 2024-08-18

Shopping in France can be a delightful experience, especially when you can communicate effectively with shopkeepers and sales assistants. This guide provides 15 essential French expressions to help you navigate stores, markets, and boutiques with ease.

At the Entrance

"Je peux vous aider?" - Can I help you? Response: "Je regarde, merci." - I'm just looking, thank you.

Finding Items

"Où puis-je trouver...?" - Where can I find...? "Avez-vous... en stock?" - Do you have... in stock?

Sizes and Fittings

"Quelle taille faites-vous?" - What size are you? "Je fais du... en taille française." - I'm a size... in French sizing. "Puis-je l'essayer?" - Can I try it on?

Prices and Payment

"C'est combien?" - How much is it? "Y a-t-il des réductions?" - Are there any discounts? "Je peux payer par carte?" - Can I pay by card?

Opinions and Decisions

"Ça me va bien?" - Does this suit me? "Je le prends." - I'll take it. "Je réfléchis encore." - I'm still thinking about it.

At the Market

"Je peux goûter?" - Can I taste? "C'est de saison?" - Is it in season? "Vous pouvez faire un prix?" - Can you give me a better price?

Remember, a friendly attitude and a willingness to try speaking French will often be appreciated by locals. Don't be afraid to use these phrases, even if your pronunciation isn't perfect. Happy shopping!

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