20 French Expressions to Describe Your Personality

Updated on 2024-08-18

Understanding how to describe your personality in French is essential for meaningful conversations and self-expression. This guide introduces 20 useful French expressions to help you articulate your unique traits and characteristics.

Positive Personality Traits

1. Ouvert d'esprit (Open-minded)

"Je suis ouvert d'esprit et j'aime découvrir de nouvelles cultures." (I'm open-minded and I love discovering new cultures.)

2. Débrouillard (Resourceful)

"Elle est très débrouillarde; elle trouve toujours une solution." (She's very resourceful; she always finds a solution.)

3. Bienveillant (Kind-hearted)

"Mon grand-père est une personne bienveillante envers tout le monde." (My grandfather is a kind-hearted person towards everyone.)

Neutral Personality Traits

4. Introverti / Extraverti (Introverted / Extroverted)

"Je suis plutôt introverti, mais mon frère est très extraverti." (I'm rather introverted, but my brother is very extroverted.)

5. Perfectionniste (Perfectionist)

"Son travail est toujours impeccable; c'est un vrai perfectionniste." (His work is always impeccable; he's a true perfectionist.)

Challenging Personality Traits

6. Têtu (Stubborn)

"Il peut être têtu parfois, mais c'est aussi ce qui le rend déterminé." (He can be stubborn sometimes, but that's also what makes him determined.)

7. Impulsif (Impulsive)

"Je suis un peu impulsif; j'agis souvent sans réfléchir." (I'm a bit impulsive; I often act without thinking.)

Expressing Personality Changes

8. Devenir plus... (To become more...)

"Avec l'âge, je suis devenu plus patient." (With age, I've become more patient.)


These expressions offer a starting point for describing personalities in French. Practice using them in context to enrich your conversations and deepen your understanding of French language and culture.

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