20 French Phrasal Verbs to Elevate Your Fluency

Updated on 2024-08-18

French phrasal verbs, known as "verbes à particule," can significantly enhance your language skills. These verb combinations add nuance and precision to your speech, making you sound more like a native speaker. Let's explore 20 common French phrasal verbs that will boost your fluency.

Essential French Phrasal Verbs

1. Faire attention à

Meaning: To pay attention to Example: "Il faut faire attention aux détails." (You must pay attention to the details.)

2. Avoir besoin de

Meaning: To need Example: "J'ai besoin de repos." (I need rest.)

3. Se mettre à

Meaning: To start doing something Example: "Elle s'est mise à pleurer." (She started crying.)

4. Tenir à

Meaning: To care about, to be fond of Example: "Je tiens à mes amis." (I care about my friends.)

5. Venir de

Meaning: To have just done something Example: "Je viens de finir mon travail." (I've just finished my work.)

Expressing Movement and Change

6. Monter en

Meaning: To get into (a vehicle) Example: "Montez en voiture, on part." (Get in the car, we're leaving.)

7. Descendre de

Meaning: To get out of (a vehicle) Example: "Il est descendu du train." (He got off the train.)

8. Passer pour

Meaning: To be considered as, to pass for Example: "Il passe pour un expert." (He's considered an expert.)

9. Tomber sur

Meaning: To come across, to run into Example: "Je suis tombé sur un vieil ami." (I ran into an old friend.)

Daily Activities and Interactions

10. S'occuper de

Meaning: To take care of Example: "Je m'occupe des enfants aujourd'hui." (I'm taking care of the children today.)

11. Tenir compte de

Meaning: To take into account Example: "Il faut tenir compte de tous les facteurs." (We must take all factors into account.)

12. Se rendre compte de

Meaning: To realize Example: "Je me suis rendu compte de mon erreur." (I realized my mistake.)

13. Avoir l'air de

Meaning: To seem, to look like Example: "Tu as l'air fatigué." (You look tired.)

Concluding Thoughts and Actions

14. En finir avec

Meaning: To be done with, to finish with Example: "J'en ai fini avec ce projet." (I'm done with this project.)

15. S'en aller

Meaning: To leave, to go away Example: "Il s'en est allé sans dire au revoir." (He left without saying goodbye.)

16. Se faire à

Meaning: To get used to Example: "Je me fais à ma nouvelle vie." (I'm getting used to my new life.)

17. Se passer de

Meaning: To do without Example: "Je ne peux pas me passer de café." (I can't do without coffee.)

18. Compter sur

Meaning: To count on, to rely on Example: "Tu peux compter sur moi." (You can count on me.)

19. En avoir marre de

Meaning: To be fed up with Example: "J'en ai marre de la pluie." (I'm fed up with the rain.)

20. Se mettre d'accord

Meaning: To agree, to come to an agreement Example: "Nous nous sommes mis d'accord sur le prix." (We agreed on the price.)

Incorporating these phrasal verbs into your French vocabulary will significantly improve your ability to express yourself naturally and precisely. Practice using them in context, and you'll soon find yourself speaking French with greater confidence and fluency.

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