25 French Phrases to Ace Your Next Phone Call

Updated on 2024-08-18

Navigating phone calls in French can be daunting, but with the right phrases, you'll sound like a pro in no time. Whether you're making a reservation, scheduling an appointment, or chatting with a friend, these 25 phrases will help you communicate effectively and confidently.

Greetings and Introductions

  • "Allô?" - Hello? (when answering the phone)
  • "Bonjour, je m'appelle [votre nom]." - Hello, my name is [your name].
  • "Je voudrais parler à [nom], s'il vous plaît." - I'd like to speak to [name], please.

Asking for Clarification

  • "Pourriez-vous répéter, s'il vous plaît?" - Could you repeat that, please?
  • "Je n'ai pas bien compris." - I didn't understand well.
  • "Pourriez-vous parler plus lentement?" - Could you speak more slowly?

Making Requests

  • "Je voudrais prendre rendez-vous." - I'd like to make an appointment.
  • "Pouvez-vous me renseigner sur...?" - Can you give me information about...?
  • "Est-il possible de...?" - Is it possible to...?

Handling Problems

  • "Il y a un problème avec..." - There's a problem with...
  • "Je n'arrive pas à..." - I can't manage to...
  • "Pouvez-vous m'aider?" - Can you help me?

Giving Information

  • "Mon numéro de téléphone est..." - My phone number is...
  • "Mon adresse email est..." - My email address is...
  • "Je suis disponible le..." - I'm available on...

Confirming Details

  • "Pouvez-vous confirmer que...?" - Can you confirm that...?
  • "Est-ce que j'ai bien compris que...?" - Did I understand correctly that...?
  • "Donc, nous disons..." - So, we're saying...

Wrapping Up

  • "Merci pour votre aide." - Thank you for your help.
  • "Je vous remercie de votre temps." - Thank you for your time.
  • "Au revoir et bonne journée." - Goodbye and have a good day.

Handling Voicemail

  • "Veuillez laisser un message après le bip." - Please leave a message after the beep.
  • "Je vous rappellerai dès que possible." - I'll call you back as soon as possible.
  • "N'hésitez pas à me laisser un message." - Don't hesitate to leave me a message.

Mastering these phrases will significantly boost your confidence when making or receiving calls in French. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don't hesitate to use these expressions whenever you have the chance. Bonne chance!

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