30 Essential French Words for Restaurant Dining

Updated on 2024-08-18

Heading to a French restaurant? Whether you're in Paris or just trying out a local French bistro, knowing these essential words will help you order with confidence and enjoy your dining experience.

Menu Sections

Entrées (Starters)

  • La soupe - soup
  • La salade - salad
  • Le pâté - pate

Plats Principaux (Main Courses)

  • Le boeuf - beef
  • Le poulet - chicken
  • Le poisson - fish

Accompagnements (Side Dishes)

  • Les frites - french fries
  • Le riz - rice
  • Les légumes - vegetables

Cooking Methods

  • Grillé - grilled
  • Rôti - roasted
  • Poêlé - pan-fried

Useful Phrases

  • Je voudrais... - I would like...
  • L'addition, s'il vous plaît - The bill, please
  • C'est délicieux - It's delicious


  • L'eau - water
  • Le vin - wine
  • Le café - coffee


  • La tarte - pie
  • Le gâteau - cake
  • La glace - ice cream

Tips for Ordering

Remember to start your order with "Je voudrais" (I would like) or "Je prends" (I'll have). For example:

"Je voudrais le steak-frites, s'il vous plaît." (I would like the steak and fries, please.)

"Je prends une salade verte et le poulet rôti." (I'll have a green salad and the roasted chicken.)

Using these words and phrases, you'll be able to read menus, order meals, and even chat a bit with your server in French. Bon appétit!

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