Advanced Negative Adverbs in French

Updated on 2024-08-23

Llet's take your skills to the next level by exploring some advanced negative adverbs.

While these are less frequent in everyday conversation, they're crucial for formal contexts and literature.

These advanced negatives follow the same structure as their simpler counterparts: 'ne' before the verb, followed by the specific negative adverb.

Remember, we don't use 'pas' with these expressions. Neither...nor

'' is a versatile expression meaning "neither...nor" or "not...nor". Use it to negate multiple actions or items in a list:

  • Place 'ne' before the verb
  • Use 'ni' before each negated action or item


  1. Je ne bois ni café ni thé. (I drink neither coffee nor tea.)
  2. Le film n'était ni intéressant ni amusant. (The movie was neither interesting nor amusing.)
  3. Elle ne parle ni anglais, ni espagnol, ni italien. (She speaks neither English, nor Spanish, nor Italian.)

Ne...guère: Hardly or Scarcely

'Ne...guère' translates to "hardly", "barely", or "scarcely". It emphasizes the limited nature of an action or situation:


  1. Il ne sort guère de chez lui. (He hardly ever leaves his house.)
  2. Ce livre n'a guère eu de succès. (This book has hardly been successful.)
  3. Je ne connais guère ses amis. (I barely know his friends.)

Ne...point: Not at All (Formal)

'Ne...point' is a more formal and literary version of 'ne...pas', meaning "not at all":


  1. Je ne sais point ce qu'il veut dire. (I don't know at all what he means.)
  2. Elle ne l'aime point. (She doesn't love him at all.)
  3. Nous ne comprenons point cette décision. (We don't understand this decision at all.)

Ne...nullement: Not at All or In No Way

'Ne...nullement' is a stronger, more formal way to say "not at all" or "in no way":


  1. Cela ne me dérange nullement. (That doesn't bother me at all.)
  2. Il n'est nullement responsable de cet accident. (He's in no way responsible for this accident.)
  3. Je ne suis nullement d'accord avec cette proposition. (I don't agree with this proposal at all.)

Ne...aucunement: Not at All or By No Means

Similar to 'ne...nullement', 'ne...aucunement' is a formal and emphatic way to express "not at all" or "by no means":


  1. Ce commentaire n'est aucunement justifié. (This comment is not at all justified.)
  2. Elle n'a aucunement l'intention de démissionner. (She has no intention whatsoever of resigning.)
  3. Je ne suis aucunement impliqué dans cette affaire. (I'm not involved in this matter in any way.)


These advanced negative adverbs add depth and nuance to your French expression.

While less common in everyday speech, they're valuable for formal writing, literature, and sophisticated conversation.

Practice using these expressions to elevate your French language skills.

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