Conjugating Faire in French: Complete Guide

Updated on 2024-08-21

As one of the most frequently used verbs in French, 'faire' (to do) is essential for learners to master. This guide will walk you through the conjugation of 'faire' in all tenses and moods, helping you use this irregular verb with confidence in your French conversations.

Understanding 'Faire'

'Faire' is an irregular third-group verb in French. Its conjugation doesn't follow the patterns of regular -er, -ir, or even other -re verbs. While it primarily translates to "to do" in English, it can take on various meanings depending on context.

Impersonal Forms of 'Faire'

Before diving into conjugations, let's look at the impersonal forms of 'faire':

  • Infinitive: faire
  • Past Infinitive: avoir fait
  • Present Participle: faisant
  • Past Participle: fait (feminine: faite, plural: faits, feminine plural: faites)

Indicative Mood Conjugations

Present Tense (Présent)

| Subject | Conjugation | |---------|-------------| | Je | fais | | Tu | fais | | Il/Elle/On | fait | | Nous | faisons | | Vous | faites | | Ils/Elles | font |

Note: 'Je' and 'tu' forms are identical. Pay attention to the pronunciation of 'nous faisons' - the 's' sounds like a 'z'.


  1. Je fais mes devoirs. (I'm doing my homework.)
  2. Tu fais du sport régulièrement ? (Do you exercise regularly?)
  3. Nous faisons attention à notre santé. (We take care of our health.)

Imperfect (Imparfait)

The stem for imperfect is 'fais-'.

| Subject | Conjugation | |---------|-------------| | Je | faisais | | Tu | faisais | | Il/Elle/On | faisait | | Nous | faisions | | Vous | faisiez | | Ils/Elles | faisaient |


  1. Je faisais souvent des erreurs quand j'ai commencé à apprendre le français. (I often made mistakes when I started learning French.)
  2. Nous faisions du vélo tous les week-ends. (We used to cycle every weekend.)
  3. Ils faisaient toujours la fête le vendredi soir. (They always partied on Friday nights.)

Simple Future (Futur Simple)

The stem for simple future is 'fer-'.

| Subject | Conjugation | |---------|-------------| | Je | ferai | | Tu | feras | | Il/Elle/On | fera | | Nous | ferons | | Vous | ferez | | Ils/Elles | feront |


  1. Je ferai mes valises ce soir. (I will pack my suitcases tonight.)
  2. Tu feras attention en conduisant. (You will be careful while driving.)
  3. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour réussir. (We will do our best to succeed.)

Conditional Mood Conjugations

Present Conditional (Conditionnel Présent)

The stem for conditional is also 'fer-'.

| Subject | Conjugation | |---------|-------------| | Je | ferais | | Tu | ferais | | Il/Elle/On | ferait | | Nous | ferions | | Vous | feriez | | Ils/Elles | feraient |


  1. Je ferais n'importe quoi pour toi. (I would do anything for you.)
  2. Que feriez-vous à ma place ? (What would you do in my position?)
  3. Ils feraient mieux d'étudier pour l'examen. (They would do better to study for the exam.)

Subjunctive Mood Conjugations

Present Subjunctive (Subjonctif Présent)

The stem for subjunctive is 'fass-'.

| Subject | Conjugation | |---------|-------------| | Que je | fasse | | Que tu | fasses | | Qu'il/elle/on | fasse | | Que nous | fassions | | Que vous | fassiez | | Qu'ils/elles | fassent|


  1. Il faut que je fasse plus d'efforts. (I need to make more efforts.)
  2. Je veux que tu fasses attention. (I want you to be careful.)
  3. Il est important que nous fassions du sport régulièrement. (It's important that we exercise regularly.)

Imperative Mood (Impératif)

The imperative uses the same forms as the present indicative, minus the subject pronouns.

| Subject | Conjugation | |---------|-------------| | (Tu) | Fais | | (Nous) | Faisons | | (Vous) | Faites |


  1. Fais tes devoirs maintenant ! (Do your homework now!)
  2. Faisons une pause. (Let's take a break.)
  3. Faites attention en traversant la rue. (Be careful when crossing the street.)

Compound Tenses

Compound tenses use the auxiliary verb 'avoir' with the past participle 'fait'. Here are a few examples:

  1. Passé Composé: J'ai fait (I have done/I did)
  2. Plus-que-parfait: J'avais fait (I had done)
  3. Futur Antérieur: J'aurai fait (I will have done)


Mastering the conjugation of 'faire' is crucial for French learners. While it may seem challenging at first due to its irregular nature, consistent practice will help you use this versatile verb correctly in various contexts. Remember to pay attention to the different stems used in different tenses and moods. With time and practice, using 'faire' will become second nature in your French conversations.

At leç, we're committed to helping you improve your French language skills. Keep practicing, and don't hesitate to use 'faire' in your daily French conversations!

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