Countries of the Americas in French

Updated on 2024-08-21

Expanding your French vocabulary to include country names is crucial for discussing geography, culture, and international affairs.

This guide focuses on the countries of the Americas, providing their French names and key grammar rules for using them correctly.

Before we explore the list of countries, let's review some important grammar points for talking about countries in French.

Gender of Countries in French

In French, all nouns, including country names, have a gender. This affects the articles and adjectives used with them.

  • Masculine countries: Use "le" (e.g., le Canada)
  • Feminine countries: Use "la" (e.g., la Colombie)
  • Countries starting with a vowel: Use "l'" (e.g., l'Argentine)
  • Plural countries: Use "les" (e.g., les États-Unis)

Prepositions with Countries

The preposition you use depends on the country's gender and whether it's singular or plural.

  • For feminine countries: Use "en" (e.g., en Colombie)
  • For masculine countries: Use "au" (e.g., au Canada)
  • For plural countries: Use "aux" (e.g., aux États-Unis)
  • For countries starting with a vowel: Use "en" (e.g., en Argentine)


  • Je vais au Mexique. (I'm going to Mexico.)
  • Elle habite en Colombie. (She lives in Colombia.)
  • Nous voyageons aux États-Unis. (We're traveling to the United States.)

Countries of North America in French

Here's a list of North American countries in French, along with their gender:

  1. Canada (m) - Canada
  2. États-Unis (m, plural) - United States
  3. Mexique (m) - Mexico

Countries of Central America in French

Central American countries in French:

  1. Belize (m) - Belize
  2. Costa Rica (m) - Costa Rica
  3. Guatemala (m) - Guatemala
  4. Honduras (m) - Honduras
  5. Nicaragua (m) - Nicaragua
  6. Panama (m) - Panama
  7. Salvador (m) - El Salvador

Caribbean Countries in French

Here are some major Caribbean countries in French:

  1. Cuba (m) - Cuba
  2. Haïti (m) - Haiti
  3. Jamaïque (f) - Jamaica
  4. République dominicaine (f) - Dominican Republic
  5. Bahamas (f, plural) - Bahamas
  6. Barbade (f) - Barbados
  7. Trinité-et-Tobago (f) - Trinidad and Tobago

Countries of South America in French

South American countries in French:

  1. Argentine (f) - Argentina
  2. Bolivie (f) - Bolivia
  3. Brésil (m) - Brazil
  4. Chili (m) - Chile
  5. Colombie (f) - Colombia
  6. Équateur (m) - Ecuador
  7. Guyana (m) - Guyana
  8. Paraguay (m) - Paraguay
  9. Pérou (m) - Peru
  10. Suriname (m) - Suriname
  11. Uruguay (m) - Uruguay
  12. Venezuela (m) - Venezuela

Using Country Names in Sentences

Now that you know the names and genders, let's practice using them in sentences.

  1. Origin:

    • Je viens du Canada. (I'm from Canada.)
    • Elle est originaire du Brésil. (She's originally from Brazil.)
  2. Living in a country:

    • J'habite au Mexique. (I live in Mexico.)
    • Ils vivent en Colombie. (They live in Colombia.)
  3. Traveling:

    • Nous allons aux États-Unis cet été. (We're going to the United States this summer.)
    • Il voyage en Argentine. (He's traveling to Argentina.)

Common Phrases with Country Names

Here are some useful phrases you can use when talking about countries:

  • La capitale de [country] est... (The capital of [country] is...)
  • La langue officielle de [country] est... (The official language of [country] is...)
  • [Country] est connu(e) pour... ([Country] is known for...)


  • La capitale du Canada est Ottawa. (The capital of Canada is Ottawa.)
  • La langue officielle du Brésil est le portugais. (The official language of Brazil is Portuguese.)
  • Le Pérou est connu pour ses sites incas. (Peru is known for its Incan sites.)

Practice Exercise

To reinforce your learning, try creating sentences with different country names from the Americas. Use various contexts like travel, origin, or describing characteristics of the country.

For instance:

  1. J'aimerais visiter le Chili pour voir les paysages de Patagonie. (I would like to visit Chile to see the landscapes of Patagonia.)
  2. Mon amie vient de la Jamaïque. (My friend is from Jamaica.)
  3. L'Argentine est réputée pour son tango. (Argentina is renowned for its tango.)

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