Describing Body Shapes in French

Updated on 2024-08-23

When learning French, being able to describe people's physical appearances is a valuable skill.

This article focuses on vocabulary related to body shapes and builds, providing you with the tools to express a wide range of physical characteristics in French.

Height Descriptions

In French, height is typically described using the verb "être" (to be) followed by an adjective. Here are some common terms:

  • Grand(e) - Tall
  • De taille moyenne - Average height
  • Petit(e) - Short

For example:

  • Mon frère est très grand. (My brother is very tall.)
  • Elle est de taille moyenne. (She is of average height.)
  • Les enfants sont encore petits. (The children are still short.)

Body Build and Physique

French offers a variety of adjectives to describe different body types:

Slim and Slender Builds

  • Mince - Slim
  • Svelte - Slender
  • Élancé(e) - Willowy

Athletic and Muscular Builds

  • Athlétique - Athletic
  • Musclé(e) - Muscular
  • En forme - Fit

Larger Builds

  • Costaud(e) - Stocky or sturdy
  • Corpulent(e) - Corpulent
  • Rond(e) - Round

Examples in context:

  • Le mannequin est très mince et élancé. (The model is very slim and willowy.)
  • Après des mois d'entraînement, il est devenu très musclé. (After months of training, he became very muscular.)
  • Mon oncle est un homme costaud qui travaille dans la construction. (My uncle is a stocky man who works in construction.)

Weight-related Descriptions

While it's important to be sensitive when discussing weight, here are some terms you might encounter:

  • Maigre - Skinny
  • Mince - Thin
  • En surpoids - Overweight
  • Gros(se) - Fat (Note: This term can be considered impolite in many contexts)

It's generally more polite to use euphemisms or focus on health rather than weight directly. For instance:

  • Il fait attention à sa ligne. (He watches his figure.)
  • Elle essaie d'adopter un mode de vie plus sain. (She's trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle.)

Specific Body Features

French also has terms for describing specific body features:

  • Baraqué(e) - Brawny or burly
  • Trapu(e) - Stocky
  • Fluet(te) - Slight or puny
  • Dodu(e) - Plump (often used affectionately)

For example:

  • Le nouvel employé est vraiment baraqué. (The new employee is really brawny.)
  • Ma grand-mère aime pincer mes joues dodues. (My grandmother likes to pinch my plump cheeks.)

Combining Descriptions

In French, you can combine different descriptors to give a more detailed picture:

  • Il est grand et mince. (He is tall and slim.)
  • Elle est petite mais athlétique. (She is short but athletic.)
  • Mon ami est de taille moyenne et plutôt costaud. (My friend is of average height and rather sturdy.)


Mastering these body shape descriptions will enhance your ability to communicate in French, allowing you to paint vivid pictures of people's appearances.

Use these terms respectfully and consider the context when describing others.

Practice using these adjectives in conversations or writing exercises to reinforce your learning.

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Our AI-powered platform can help you practice using these descriptors in context and provide instant feedback on your usage.

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