Essential French Body Parts Vocabulary

Updated on 2024-08-23

Learning the French words for body parts is a fundamental step in mastering the language.

Whether you're describing symptoms to a doctor or simply talking about your appearance, this vocabulary is essential.

Let's explore the most common French terms for human anatomy.

Head and Face

The head and face are crucial areas to start with when learning body parts in French.

Head and Hair

  • La tête - Head
  • Les cheveux (m) - Hair

Facial Features

  • Le visage - Face
  • L'œil (m) / Les yeux (m) - Eye / Eyes
  • Le nez - Nose
  • La bouche - Mouth
  • La dent - Tooth
  • L'oreille (f) - Ear


  1. J'ai mal à la tête. (I have a headache.)
  2. Ses yeux sont bleus. (His/Her eyes are blue.)
  3. Elle a un joli nez. (She has a pretty nose.)

Upper Body

Moving down from the head, let's look at the vocabulary for the upper body.

Neck and Shoulders

  • Le cou - Neck
  • L'épaule (f) - Shoulder

Arms and Hands

  • Le bras - Arm
  • La main - Hand
  • Le doigt - Finger


  • La poitrine - Chest
  • Le dos - Back


  1. Il a mal au cou. (He has a sore neck.)
  2. Lève la main si tu connais la réponse. (Raise your hand if you know the answer.)
  3. J'ai mal au dos. (My back hurts.)

Lower Body

Finally, let's cover the essential terms for the lower body.

Legs and Feet

  • La jambe - Leg
  • Le genou - Knee
  • Le pied - Foot


  1. Elle s'est blessée à la jambe. (She injured her leg.)
  2. Mes pieds sont fatigués après cette longue marche. (My feet are tired after this long walk.)
  3. Il a mal au genou. (His knee hurts.)

Expanding Your Vocabulary

While these basic terms form a solid foundation, French offers a rich vocabulary for describing the human body in more detail. As you progress in your learning journey, you might want to explore more specific terms for different body parts and systems.

leç can help you practice and expand your French body parts vocabulary through interactive exercises and personalized lessons. With its AI-powered approach, you can learn at your own pace and focus on the areas where you need the most improvement.

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