Essential French Good Night Phrases: Say Goodnight Like a Native

Updated on 2024-08-24

Mastering the art of saying goodnight in French adds a touch of elegance to your evening farewells.

Whether you're bidding adieu to loved ones or colleagues, these French phrases will help you end your day on a perfect note.

Let's explore various ways to say goodnight in French, from casual to formal expressions.

Bonne nuit: The Universal Good Night

"Bonne nuit" is the most common and versatile way to say goodnight in French. It's suitable for all situations, from family to formal settings.


  • "Bonne nuit, maman. Je t'aime." (Good night, mom. I love you.)
  • "Votre chambre est au troisième étage. Bonne nuit, monsieur." (Your room is on the third floor. Good night, sir.)

Dors bien / Dormez bien: Wishing a Good Sleep

"Dors bien" (informal) or "Dormez bien" (formal) literally means "sleep well." It's a neutral expression suitable for various contexts.


  • "Dors bien, mon petit." (Sleep well, my little one.)
  • "Le petit déjeuner est servi de 7h à 10h. Dormez bien, Monsieur." (Breakfast is served from 7am to 10am. Sleep well, sir.)

Repose-toi bien / Reposez-vous bien: Rest Well

This phrase means "rest well" and is perfect for wishing someone a restful night, especially after a busy day.


  • "Repose-toi bien, ma chérie." (Rest well, my dear.)
  • "Grandes félicitations à tous les athlètes ! Reposez-vous bien ce soir." (Congratulations to all the athletes! Rest well tonight.)

Fais de beaux rêves / Faites de beaux rêves: Sweet Dreams

This tender expression means "have beautiful dreams" and is usually reserved for close relationships.


  • "Bonne nuit, mon ami. Fais de beaux rêves." (Good night, my friend. Have beautiful dreams.)
  • "Bonne nuit, les enfants. Faites de beaux rêves." (Good night, kids. Sweet dreams.)

Que tes/vos rêves soient doux: May Your Dreams Be Sweet

This poetic phrase is perfect for a heartfelt goodnight wish to loved ones.


  • "Que tes rêves soient doux, ma douce." (May your dreams be sweet, my love.)
  • "Bonne nuit, mes enfants. Que vos rêves soient doux." (Good night, my children. May your dreams be sweet.)

Bonne soirée: Good Evening

While "bonne soirée" means "good evening," it can be used as a parting phrase when the evening is ending but it's not quite bedtime.


  • "Bonne soirée, et à demain!" (Have a good evening, see you tomorrow!)
  • "Merci d'être venus. Bonne soirée." (Thanks for coming. Have a good evening.)

Je vais me coucher: I'm Going to Bed

This phrase signals the end of the evening and often elicits a "good night" response from others.


  • "Je suis fatigué, je vais me coucher. Bonne nuit." (I'm tired, I'm going to bed. Good night.)
  • "Je dois me lever tôt. Je vais me coucher." (I need to wake up early. I'm going to go to bed.)

À demain: See You Tomorrow

Often used in conjunction with other goodnight phrases, "à demain" is a common way to say goodbye in the evening when you'll see the person the next day.


  • "Bonne nuit, à demain !" (Good night, see you tomorrow!)
  • "Fais de beaux rêves. À demain !" (Sweet dreams. Until tomorrow!)


Mastering these French goodnight phrases will enhance your language skills and add a touch of warmth to your evening conversations.

From the simple "bonne nuit" to the poetic "que tes rêves soient doux," you now have a variety of ways to end your day in French.

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