Essential French Vocabulary for Head and Face Parts

Updated on 2024-08-23

As you embark on your French language journey, it's crucial to learn the vocabulary for parts of the body, especially the head and face.

This knowledge will enhance your ability to describe people and communicate about health and appearance in French.

Before we dive into the vocabulary, here's an interesting fact: did you know that your nose (nez) and ears (oreilles) continue to grow throughout your lifetime?

This is why older people often have larger noses and ears compared to younger individuals.

Let's explore the essential French vocabulary for head and face parts:

The Head and Face Overview

  • Head - la tête
  • Face - le visage

These two terms form the foundation of our discussion. Remember, "la tête" refers to the entire head, while "le visage" specifically means the face.

Facial Features

Eyes and Eyebrows

  • Eyebrow - le sourcil
  • Eye - l'œil (m)
  • Eyes - les yeux (m)

Note that "eye" is irregular in French. The singular is "l'œil", but the plural changes to "les yeux".


  1. Elle a les yeux bleus. (She has blue eyes.)
  2. Son sourcil gauche est plus épais que le droit. (His left eyebrow is thicker than the right one.)
  3. J'ai quelque chose dans l'œil. (I have something in my eye.)
  4. Ses yeux brillent de joie. (Her eyes shine with joy.)
  5. Il leva un sourcil interrogateur. (He raised a questioning eyebrow.)

Nose and Mouth

  • Nose - le nez
  • Mouth - la bouche
  • Lip - la lèvre

These features are central to the face and crucial for expressions.


  1. Elle a un petit nez retroussé. (She has a small upturned nose.)
  2. Sa bouche s'étira en un large sourire. (His mouth stretched into a wide smile.)
  3. Elle se mordait la lèvre, nerveuse. (She was biting her lip, nervous.)
  4. Il a le nez aquilin de son père. (He has his father's aquiline nose.)
  5. Les lèvres gercées sont courantes en hiver. (Chapped lips are common in winter.)

Cheeks and Chin

  • Cheek - la joue
  • Chin - le menton

These parts help define the shape of one's face.


  1. L'enfant avait les joues roses de froid. (The child had rosy cheeks from the cold.)
  2. Il a un menton carré et fort. (He has a strong, square chin.)
  3. Elle pinça les joues du bébé avec affection. (She affectionately pinched the baby's cheeks.)
  4. Son menton tremblait, retenant des larmes. (His chin was quivering, holding back tears.)
  5. Les fossettes se creusaient dans ses joues quand elle souriait. (Dimples formed in her cheeks when she smiled.)

Hair and Facial Hair

  • Hair - les cheveux (m)
  • Beard - la barbe
  • Mustache - la moustache
  • Bangs - la frange

Hair styles and facial hair are important aspects of one's appearance.


  1. Il porte une barbe bien taillée. (He wears a well-trimmed beard.)
  2. Ses cheveux bouclés tombaient sur ses épaules. (Her curly hair fell on her shoulders.)
  3. La moustache lui donnait un air distingué. (The mustache gave him a distinguished look.)
  4. Elle a coupé sa frange trop courte. (She cut her bangs too short.)
  5. Il se laisse pousser les cheveux depuis six mois. (He's been growing his hair for six months.)

Smaller Facial Details

  • Eyelash - le cil
  • Eyelid - la paupière
  • Jaw - la mâchoire
  • Teeth - les dents (f)
  • Tongue - la langue

These smaller details are essential for more precise descriptions.


  1. Ses longs cils projetaient des ombres sur ses joues. (Her long eyelashes cast shadows on her cheeks.)
  2. Il clignait des paupières, luttant contre le sommeil. (He was blinking his eyelids, fighting sleep.)
  3. Sa mâchoire se crispa de colère. (His jaw clenched in anger.)
  4. Elle a un beau sourire avec des dents blanches et droites. (She has a beautiful smile with white, straight teeth.)
  5. L'enfant tira la langue de concentration. (The child stuck out his tongue in concentration.)

Other Important Head Parts

  • Forehead - le front
  • Ear - l'oreille (f)
  • Neck - le cou

Don't forget these important parts that complete the head area.


  1. Des rides soucieuses barraient son front. (Worried wrinkles crossed his forehead.)
  2. Elle portait des boucles d'oreilles en or. (She was wearing gold earrings.)
  3. Il tourna le cou pour regarder derrière lui. (He turned his neck to look behind him.)
  4. Son front large lui donnait un air intelligent. (His broad forehead gave him an intelligent look.)
  5. Elle massa son cou endolori après une longue journée de travail. (She massaged her sore neck after a long day of work.)

Learning these terms will greatly enhance your ability to describe people in French. Practice using them in sentences to solidify your understanding.

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