Essential French Words to Describe Physical Appearance

Updated on 2024-08-21

Learning to describe people's physical appearance is a crucial skill when speaking French.

Whether you're trying to describe your favorite actor, create a character for a story, or simply chat about someone you met, having a rich vocabulary for physical traits will make your French conversations more engaging and precise.

This guide will equip you with the essential French words and phrases to describe someone's appearance, from head to toe.

Key Verbs for Describing Appearance in French

Before we dive into specific traits, let's look at the main verbs used when describing someone's appearance in French:

  1. Être (to be): Used with adjectives to describe characteristics. Example: Elle est grande. (She is tall.)

  2. Avoir (to have): Used with nouns to describe features someone possesses. Example: Il a les yeux bleus. (He has blue eyes.)

  3. Paraître or Sembler (to appear/seem): Used to describe how someone looks or seems. Example: Vous paraissez fatigué. (You look tired.)

  4. Ressembler (to resemble): Used to compare physical similarities. Example: Tu ressembles à ton père. (You look like your father.)

Describing Age in French

When talking about someone's age, you can be specific or general:

  • For exact age: Use avoir + [number] + ans Example: J'ai vingt-cinq ans. (I am 25 years old.)

  • For general age descriptions:

    • jeune (young)
    • d'âge moyen (middle-aged)
    • âgé(e) (elderly)
    • vieux/vieille (old)

Example: Mon voisin est d'âge moyen. (My neighbor is middle-aged.)

Body Shape and Height

To describe someone's physique, use these adjectives with être:

  • grand(e) (tall)
  • petit(e) (short)
  • mince (slim)
  • musclé(e) (muscular)
  • fort(e) (strong)
  • gros(se) (fat)


  • Le basketteur est très grand et musclé. (The basketball player is very tall and muscular.)
  • Ma sœur est petite et mince. (My sister is short and slim.)
  • Ton ami est fort, il peut soulever des objets lourds. (Your friend is strong, he can lift heavy objects.)

Hair Description

Describing hair in French often uses the structure avoir les cheveux + [adjective]:

  • les cheveux longs/courts (long/short hair)
  • les cheveux blonds/bruns/roux/noirs (blond/brown/red/black hair)
  • les cheveux bouclés/frisés/raides (curly/frizzy/straight hair)


  • Elle a les cheveux longs et blonds. (She has long blonde hair.)
  • Il a les cheveux courts et bouclés. (He has short curly hair.)
  • Nous avons les cheveux bruns et raides. (We have straight brown hair.)

Eye Color and Facial Features

For eyes and other facial features, use avoir with the appropriate noun:

  • les yeux bleus/verts/marron (blue/green/brown eyes)
  • un grand/petit nez (a big/small nose)
  • une grande/petite bouche (a big/small mouth)
  • des lèvres fines/épaisses (thin/thick lips)


  • Mon frère a les yeux verts et un petit nez. (My brother has green eyes and a small nose.)
  • L'actrice a de grands yeux bleus et des lèvres épaisses. (The actress has big blue eyes and thick lips.)
  • Tu as une petite bouche et des yeux marron. (You have a small mouth and brown eyes.)

Distinctive Features

To describe unique characteristics, use avoir with these nouns:

  • un tatouage (a tattoo)
  • un piercing (a piercing)
  • une cicatrice (a scar)
  • un grain de beauté (a mole)
  • une barbe (a beard)
  • une moustache (a mustache)


  • Il a un tatouage sur le bras et une barbe. (He has a tattoo on his arm and a beard.)
  • Elle a un piercing au nez et une petite cicatrice sur le menton. (She has a nose piercing and a small scar on her chin.)
  • L'homme a une moustache et un grain de beauté près de l'œil. (The man has a mustache and a mole near his eye.)

General Appearance Adjectives

These adjectives can describe overall appearance:

  • beau/belle (handsome/beautiful)
  • joli(e) (pretty)
  • mignon(ne) (cute)
  • élégant(e) (elegant)
  • charmant(e) (charming)


  • La mariée est belle dans sa robe blanche. (The bride is beautiful in her white dress.)
  • Ton nouveau chiot est très mignon. (Your new puppy is very cute.)
  • Mon grand-père est un homme élégant et charmant. (My grandfather is an elegant and charming man.)


With these essential French words and phrases, you'll be well-equipped to describe people's physical appearance in various situations. Remember to practice using these terms in context to become more comfortable with them.

As you continue your French learning journey, you'll find that accurately describing people not only enhances your vocabulary but also helps you paint vivid pictures with your words.

For more personalized French learning experiences, consider trying leç, an AI-powered French tutor that offers tailored lessons and real-time feedback on pronunciation and grammar.

Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, leç can help you practice these descriptive phrases and much more.

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