Essential Guide to French Verbs for Beginners

Updated on 2024-08-28

French verbs are the backbone of the language, allowing you to express actions, states, and intentions.

As an English speaker learning French, understanding verbs is crucial for building sentences and communicating effectively.

Let's break down the essentials of French verbs to help you start speaking with confidence.

What Are French Verbs?

French verbs are words that express actions or states of being. They're similar to English verbs but with some key differences in structure and usage.

The Infinitive Form

The infinitive is the base form of a verb. In English, it's "to + verb" (e.g., to speak). In French, infinitives end in one of three ways:

  • -er (parler - to speak)
  • -ir (finir - to finish)
  • -re (vendre - to sell)

Regular vs. Irregular Verbs

French verbs are categorized as either regular or irregular:

Regular Verbs

These follow consistent conjugation patterns based on their infinitive endings. For example:

  • Parler (to speak): je parle, tu parles, il/elle parle
  • Finir (to finish): je finis, tu finis, il/elle finit
  • Vendre (to sell): je vends, tu vends, il/elle vend

Irregular Verbs

These don't follow standard patterns and must be memorized. Common irregular verbs include:

  • Être (to be)
  • Avoir (to have)
  • Aller (to go)
  • Faire (to do/make)

Conjugation Basics

Conjugation is the process of changing a verb to match the subject and tense. In French, verbs change based on:

  1. Person (I, you, he/she/it, we, you all, they)
  2. Number (singular or plural)
  3. Tense (present, past, future, etc.)
  4. Mood (indicative, subjunctive, conditional, imperative)
  5. Voice (active or passive)

Key Tenses for Beginners

Present Tense (Le Présent)

Used for actions happening now or habitual actions.

Example with 'parler' (to speak):

  • Je parle (I speak)
  • Tu parles (You speak)
  • Il/Elle/On parle (He/She/One speaks)
  • Nous parlons (We speak)
  • Vous parlez (You speak - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles parlent (They speak)

Past Tense (Le Passé Composé)

Used for completed actions in the past.

Example with 'parler':

  • J'ai parlé (I spoke)
  • Tu as parlé (You spoke)
  • Il/Elle/On a parlé (He/She/One spoke)
  • Nous avons parlé (We spoke)
  • Vous avez parlé (You spoke - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles ont parlé (They spoke)

Future Tense (Le Futur Simple)

Used for actions that will happen in the future.

Example with 'parler':

  • Je parlerai (I will speak)
  • Tu parleras (You will speak)
  • Il/Elle/On parlera (He/She/One will speak)
  • Nous parlerons (We will speak)
  • Vous parlerez (You will speak - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles parleront (They will speak)

Tips for Learning French Verbs

  1. Start with regular -er verbs, as they're the most common and follow consistent patterns.
  2. Practice conjugating verbs in different tenses daily.
  3. Learn the most common irregular verbs early on.
  4. Use verb conjugation tables or apps for quick reference.
  5. Apply verbs in context by creating simple sentences.


French verbs form the foundation of the language.

By mastering their basic forms and conjugations, you'll quickly improve your French communication skills.

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