Essential Science Lab Equipment in French

Updated on 2024-08-23

If you're taking science classes in French or planning to work in a French-speaking laboratory, knowing the names of common lab equipment is essential.

This guide will help you familiarize yourself with key scientific tools and how to use them in sentences.

Common Laboratory Equipment In French

Optical Instruments

Microscope (Un microscope)

A microscope is crucial for observing tiny organisms and structures.


  • Les biologistes utilisent un microscope pour examiner les cellules sanguines.
  • Biologists use a microscope to examine blood cells.


Test Tube (Une éprouvette)

Test tubes are used for holding, mixing, or heating small quantities of liquids.


  • Le chimiste verse soigneusement l'acide dans l'éprouvette.
  • The chemist carefully pours the acid into the test tube.

Beaker (Un bécher)

Beakers are open containers used for mixing, stirring, and heating liquids.


  • Nous avons besoin d'un bécher de 250 ml pour cette expérience.
  • We need a 250 ml beaker for this experiment.

Pipette (Une pipette)

Pipettes are used to transfer small amounts of liquid accurately.


  • Utilisez la pipette pour ajouter trois gouttes de réactif.
  • Use the pipette to add three drops of reagent.

Measurement Devices

Scale (Une balance)

Scales are used to measure the mass of substances.


  • Placez l'échantillon sur la balance pour déterminer sa masse exacte.
  • Place the sample on the scale to determine its exact mass.

Thermometer (Un thermomètre)

Thermometers measure temperature in various experiments.


  • Le thermomètre indique que la solution a atteint 100°C.
  • The thermometer indicates that the solution has reached 100°C.

Heating Equipment

Bunsen Burner (Un bec Bunsen)

Bunsen burners provide a source of heat in many lab experiments.


  • Allumez le bec Bunsen pour chauffer le liquide dans le bécher.
  • Light the Bunsen burner to heat the liquid in the beaker.

Safety Equipment

Lab Coat (Une blouse de laboratoire)

Lab coats protect clothing and skin from spills and splatters.


  • N'oubliez pas de mettre votre blouse de laboratoire avant d'entrer.
  • Don't forget to put on your lab coat before entering.

Safety Goggles (Des lunettes de protection)

Safety goggles protect your eyes from potential hazards.


  • Il est obligatoire de porter des lunettes de protection pendant les expériences chimiques.
  • It is mandatory to wear safety goggles during chemical experiments.

Putting It All Together

Now that you're familiar with these terms, let's see how they can be used together in a laboratory context:

  1. Avant de commencer l'expérience, mettez votre blouse de laboratoire et vos lunettes de protection. (Before starting the experiment, put on your lab coat and safety goggles.)

  2. Utilisez la balance pour peser 5 grammes de poudre, puis versez-la dans un bécher. (Use the scale to weigh 5 grams of powder, then pour it into a beaker.)

  3. Avec la pipette, ajoutez 10 ml d'eau distillée dans le bécher. (With the pipette, add 10 ml of distilled water to the beaker.)

  4. Placez le bécher sur le bec Bunsen et chauffez jusqu'à ce que le thermomètre indique 50°C. (Place the beaker on the Bunsen burner and heat until the thermometer shows 50°C.)

  5. Après refroidissement, prélevez un échantillon avec une pipette et placez-le sur une lame pour l'observer au microscope. (After cooling, take a sample with a pipette and place it on a slide to observe under the microscope.)

Learning these terms will help you navigate French-language science classes or labs with confidence.

Try to use these words in context whenever possible.

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