French Être Verbs: Essential Guide to Verbs of Movement

Updated on 2024-08-21

French learners often struggle with choosing the correct auxiliary verb for compound tenses. While most verbs use "avoir," a specific group known as "verbs of movement" requires "être." This guide will help you understand and use these French être verbs effectively.

Understanding Être as an Auxiliary Verb

Être serves as an auxiliary verb in three main contexts:

  1. Reflexive verbs
  2. Passive voice
  3. Verbs of movement

Reflexive Verbs

Reflexive verbs describe actions performed by the subject on themselves. They always use être in compound tenses.


  • Je me suis douché. (I showered.)
  • Nous nous sommes réveillés. (We woke up.)
  • Elle s'est maquillée. (She put on makeup.)

Passive Voice

The passive voice uses être as an auxiliary with the past participle of the main verb.


  • Le champ est inondé. (The field is flooded.)
  • Les œuvres sont vendues ici. (The works are sold here.)
  • Elle était hospitalisée. (She was hospitalized.)

Verbs of Movement

These verbs typically describe physical movement or a change of state or location.

Grammar Rules for Être Verbs

When using être verbs in compound tenses, remember these key rules:

  1. The past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject.
  2. Add -e for feminine subjects, -s for plural masculine, and -es for plural feminine.


  • Il est allé (He went)
  • Elle est allée (She went)
  • Ils sont allés (They went - masculine)
  • Elles sont allées (They went - feminine)

Common French Verbs of Movement

Here's a list of the most frequently used French verbs that take être in compound tenses:

  1. Aller (to go)
  2. Venir (to come)
  3. Arriver (to arrive)
  4. Partir (to leave)
  5. Entrer (to enter)
  6. Sortir (to exit)
  7. Monter (to go up)
  8. Descendre (to go down)
  9. Naître (to be born)
  10. Mourir (to die)
  11. Rester (to stay)
  12. Retourner (to return)


  • Je suis allé au parc. (I went to the park.)
  • Elles sont venues à la fête. (They came to the party.)
  • Nous sommes arrivés en retard. (We arrived late.)

Verbs That Can Use Either Être or Avoir

Some verbs can take either être or avoir, depending on their usage:

  1. Monter
  2. Descendre
  3. Sortir
  4. Rentrer
  5. Retourner
  6. Passer

The choice depends on whether the verb is used transitively (with a direct object) or intransitively.


  • Elle est montée au dernier étage. (She went up to the top floor.)
  • Elle a monté les valises. (She carried the suitcases up.)

Less Common Être Verbs

For completeness, here are some less common verbs that also use être:

  1. Advenir (to happen)
  2. Intervenir (to intervene)
  3. Parvenir (to achieve)
  4. Survenir (to occur)
  5. Décéder (to pass away)


  • Il est advenu que l'usine a fermé. (It happened that the factory closed.)

Tips for Mastering Être Verbs

  1. Practice with mnemonic devices like "DR MRS VANDERTRAMP" to remember common être verbs.
  2. Create sentences using these verbs in different tenses.
  3. Pay attention to agreement rules when using compound tenses.
  4. Listen to native speakers and note how they use these verbs.

leç offers personalized exercises to help you practice être verbs in context, ensuring you use them correctly in your French conversations.


Understanding French être verbs is crucial for expressing movement and state changes accurately. By mastering these verbs and their usage rules, you'll significantly improve your French language skills.

Remember to practice regularly and pay attention to context to choose the correct auxiliary verb.

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