French Expressions with "France": Expand Your Vocabulary

Updated on 2024-08-24

As an English speaker learning French, you're likely familiar with "la France" meaning "France."

But did you know that this country's name appears in numerous idiomatic expressions?

Let's explore these phrases to boost your French vocabulary and cultural knowledge.

Basic Facts About "France" in French

Before diving into expressions, let's clarify a few points:

  • The country name is feminine: la France
  • Le France refers to a French ocean liner built in 1960 (later renamed Norway)
  • Many French TV and radio stations include "France" in their names, such as France 2, France 3, France Info, and Radio France Internationale

Popular French Expressions Using "France"

Describing Different Aspects of French Society

  1. La France black-blanc-beur: Multicultural, multiracial France
  2. La France d'en bas: Ordinary people
  3. La France d'en haut: The privileged classes (ruling establishment, the wealthy)
  4. La France profonde: Rural France
  5. La France qui se lève tôt: Working classes


  • "Les politiciens parlent souvent de la France d'en bas dans leurs discours." (Politicians often talk about ordinary people in their speeches.)
  • "Il faut visiter la France profonde pour vraiment comprendre la culture française." (You must visit rural France to truly understand French culture.)

Geographical References

  1. La France continentale: Metropolitan France minus Corsica
  2. La France d'outre-mer: French overseas departments and territories
  3. La France métropolitaine: France, not including overseas territories
  4. Le midi de la France: The South of France


  • "J'habite en France métropolitaine, mais j'aimerais visiter la France d'outre-mer." (I live in metropolitan France, but I'd like to visit the French overseas territories.)
  • "Le midi de la France est connu pour son climat méditerranéen." (The South of France is known for its Mediterranean climate.)

Historical and Political References

  1. La France jacobine: France's centralized system of government
  2. La France libre: Free France (during World War II)
  3. La vieille France: France of yesteryear


  • "La France libre a joué un rôle crucial pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale." (Free France played a crucial role during World War II.)

Idiomatic Expressions

  1. De France et de Navarre: From everywhere, from all over the place
  2. Les quatre coins de la France: All over France, everywhere in France


  • "Il y avait des touristes de France et de Navarre à la Tour Eiffel." (There were tourists from all over at the Eiffel Tower.)
  • "Cette chanson est populaire aux quatre coins de la France." (This song is popular all over France.)

Sports-Related Expressions

  1. Les internationaux de France (de tennis): French Open
  2. Le onze de France: French soccer team
  3. Le quinze de France: French rugby union team
  4. Le Tour de France: Annual French cycling race


  • "Le Tour de France est l'un des événements sportifs les plus célèbres au monde." (The Tour de France is one of the most famous sporting events in the world.)

Other Notable Expressions

  1. Le Collège de France: Prestigious higher education and research center in Paris
  2. L'Île-de-France: Greater Paris metropolitan area
  3. La Patrouille de France: French Air Force's aerobatic demonstration team
  4. La première dame de France: France's first lady


  • "Le Collège de France accueille des chercheurs de renommée mondiale." (The Collège de France hosts world-renowned researchers.)


These expressions with "France" offer a glimpse into French culture, history, and society.

By incorporating them into your French language practice, you'll not only expand your vocabulary but also deepen your understanding of French-speaking cultures.

For personalized practice with these expressions and more, consider using leç, an AI-powered French learning platform.

It offers tailored exercises and real-time feedback to help you master these phrases in context.

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