French Invariable Adjectives: When Grammar Rules Take a Break

Updated on 2024-08-26

French grammar is known for its many rules, especially when it comes to adjective agreement. However, there's a group of adjectives that breaks these rules: invariable adjectives. Let's explore these rebels of the French language!

What Are Invariable Adjectives?

Invariable adjectives in French are adjectives that don't change their form, regardless of the gender or number of the noun they modify.

While most French adjectives need to agree with their nouns, these special adjectives remain constant.

Types of Invariable Adjectives

Color Adjectives

Some color adjectives, particularly those derived from nouns, are invariable:

  • Orange (orange)
  • Marron (brown)
  • Argent (silver)


  • Des voitures orange (Orange cars)
  • Des chaussures marron (Brown shoes)

Cardinal Directions

When used as adjectives, cardinal directions don't change:

  • Nord (north)
  • Sud (south)
  • Est (east)
  • Ouest (west)


  • La région nord (The northern region)
  • Les pays est (The eastern countries)

Foreign Words Used as Adjectives

Many borrowed words remain invariable when used as adjectives:

  • Cool (cool)
  • Chic (chic)
  • Standard (standard)


  • Des filles cool (Cool girls)
  • Des restaurants chic (Chic restaurants)

Numerical Adjectives

Most numerical adjectives are invariable:

  • Deux (two)
  • Trois (three)
  • Premier (first)


  • Les deux garçons (The two boys)
  • Les trois filles (The three girls)

Compound Adjectives with Prefixes

Many compound adjectives, especially those with prefixes like anti-, extra-, or ultra-, are invariable:

  • Antivirus (antivirus)
  • Extra-fort (extra strong)
  • Ultra-moderne (ultra-modern)


  • Des logiciels antivirus (Antivirus software)
  • Des parfums extra-fort (Extra strong perfumes)

Common Invariable Adjectives

Here are some frequently used invariable adjectives:

  • Chaque (each)
  • Plusieurs (several)
  • Possible (possible)
  • Sympa (nice, friendly)


  • Chaque étudiant (Each student)
  • Plusieurs idées (Several ideas)

Tips for Using Invariable Adjectives

  1. Memorize the most common invariable adjectives.
  2. When in doubt about a color adjective, use "de couleur" before it.
  3. Remember that compound adjectives with hyphens are often invariable.
  4. Practice with diverse examples to reinforce your understanding.


Invariable adjectives simplify French grammar by breaking the agreement rule. Mastering them will enhance your French fluency.

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