French Ordinal Numbers: Essential Guide for Learners

Updated on 2024-08-26

French ordinal numbers play a crucial role in everyday communication, from discussing rankings to specifying dates. This guide will help you understand and use these numbers correctly, enhancing your French language skills.

What Are Ordinal Numbers?

Ordinal numbers indicate the position or rank of something in a sequence. In French, they're called "les adjectifs numéraux ordinaux" and are used similarly to their English counterparts.

Forming French Ordinal Numbers

The Basic Rule

To form most French ordinal numbers:

  1. Start with the cardinal number
  2. Remove the final '-e' if present
  3. Add '-ième'


  • deux → deuxième (second)
  • quatre → quatrième (fourth)
  • onze → onzième (eleventh)

Exceptions and Special Cases

  1. Premier/Première: The only ordinal that changes for gender

    • Le premier jour (the first day)
    • La première fois (the first time)
  2. Cinq and Neuf: Require spelling changes

    • cinq → cinquième (fifth)
    • neuf → neuvième (ninth)
  3. Numbers ending in '-e': Drop the 'e' before adding '-ième'

    • quatre → quatrième
    • douze → douzième

Using French Ordinal Numbers

In Dates

Unlike English, French only uses "premier" as an ordinal for dates. All other dates use cardinal numbers.

  • le 1er janvier (January 1st)
  • le 2 février (February 2nd, not 2nd)

In Rankings and Lists

Ordinal numbers are essential for indicating order or position:

  • Elle a fini deuxième de sa classe. (She finished second in her class.)
  • C'est mon troisième livre préféré. (It's my third favorite book.)


Correct abbreviations for ordinal numbers:

  • 1er (premier), 1re (première)
  • 2e, 3e, 4e, etc.

Common mistake: Avoid using ~~2ème~~ or ~~2ième~~.

Practice Exercises

  1. Convert these cardinal numbers to ordinals:

    • huit → ________
    • vingt → ________
    • treize → ________
  2. Write the following in French:

    • 3rd floor
    • 21st century
    • 100th anniversary

(Answers at the end of the article)

Tips for Mastering French Ordinal Numbers

  1. Practice regularly with dates and rankings
  2. Use flashcards to memorize the exceptions
  3. Read French texts and identify ordinal numbers in context
  4. Try leç for personalized practice and instant feedback


French ordinal numbers are straightforward once you grasp the basic rules. Regular practice and attention to exceptions will help you use them confidently in your French conversations.

[Exercise Answers:

  1. huitième, vingtième, treizième
  2. le troisième étage, le vingt et unième siècle, le centième anniversaire](

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