French Past Participles: Regular and Irregular Forms Explained

Updated on 2024-08-26

French past participles are essential for forming compound tenses and the passive voice. They're also used as adjectives.

Understanding how to form and use them correctly is crucial for advancing your French language skills.

Regular Past Participles

Regular French verbs follow predictable patterns when forming their past participles. Here's how it works:

-er Verbs

For -er verbs, simply replace the -er with -é.


  • Donner (to give) → Donné

-ir Verbs

For most -ir verbs, replace the -ir with -i.


  • Choisir (to choose) → Choisi

-re Verbs

For -re verbs, replace the -re with -u.


  • Perdre (to lose) → Perdu

Stem-Changing Verbs

Some verbs change their stem in certain conjugations, but their past participles follow the regular patterns.


  • Appeler (to call) → Appelé

Irregular Past Participles

Many common French verbs have irregular past participles. Here are some frequently used ones:

  • Avoir (to have) → Eu
  • Être (to be) → Été
  • Faire (to do/make) → Fait
  • Aller (to go) → Allé
  • Venir (to come) → Venu
  • Prendre (to take) → Pris
  • Voir (to see) → Vu
  • Savoir (to know) → Su
  • Pouvoir (to be able to) → Pu
  • Vouloir (to want) → Voulu

Past Participle Agreement

Past participle agreement is a crucial aspect of French grammar. Here are the key rules:

  1. When used with être as an auxiliary verb, the past participle always agrees with the subject in gender and number.

  2. When used with avoir as an auxiliary verb, the past participle agrees with the direct object if it comes before the verb.

  3. Past participles used as adjectives always agree with the noun they modify.

Practice Makes Perfect

To truly master French past participles, regular practice is essential. leç offers personalized exercises tailored to your level, helping you internalize these rules and use past participles confidently in your French conversations.

French past participles are a fundamental building block of the language. With consistent practice and the right guidance, you'll soon be using them with ease.

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