French Pronominal Verbs: A Simple Guide

Updated on 2024-09-05

Have you ever struggled with French pronominal verbs?

These unique verb forms are crucial for expressing many everyday actions in French, yet they often confuse English speakers.

This guide will help you understand and use pronominal verbs.

What Are Pronominal Verbs?

Pronominal verbs are verbs that use an extra pronoun in their conjugation.

This pronoun, called a reflexive pronoun, matches the subject of the verb.

In the infinitive form, pronominal verbs always start with "se" (or "s'" before a vowel).

Types of Pronominal Verbs

There are four main types of pronominal verbs in French:

1. Reflexive Verbs

These verbs describe actions that the subject performs on themselves.


  • Je me lave (I wash myself)
  • Tu te brosses les dents (You brush your teeth)

2. Reciprocal Verbs

These verbs describe actions that two or more subjects perform on each other.


  • Nous nous aimons (We love each other)
  • Ils se parlent (They talk to each other)

3. Idiomatic Pronominal Verbs

These verbs have a different meaning when used pronominally.


  • Je me rappelle (I remember) vs. Je rappelle (I remind)
  • Elle s'entend bien avec lui (She gets along well with him) vs. Elle entend (She hears)

4. Essentially Pronominal Verbs

These verbs only exist in their pronominal form.


  • Se souvenir (to remember)
  • S'évanouir (to faint)

How to Conjugate Pronominal Verbs

Conjugating pronominal verbs might seem tricky at first, but it follows a simple pattern:

  1. Choose the correct reflexive pronoun to match the subject
  2. Conjugate the main verb as you normally would

Here's an example with the verb se laver (to wash oneself):

  • Je me lave
  • Tu te laves
  • Il/Elle/On se lave
  • Nous nous lavons
  • Vous vous lavez
  • Ils/Elles se lavent

Common Pronominal Verbs in French

Learning some common pronominal verbs will greatly improve your French:

  1. Se lever (to get up)
  2. Se coucher (to go to bed)
  3. S'habiller (to get dressed)
  4. Se réveiller (to wake up)
  5. Se dépêcher (to hurry)
  6. S'amuser (to have fun)
  7. Se promener (to go for a walk)
  8. Se rappeler (to remember)
  9. Se sentir (to feel)
  10. S'appeler (to be called/named)

Pronominal Verbs in Different Tenses

Pronominal verbs can be used in all tenses. The reflexive pronoun always comes before the verb, except in the affirmative imperative.


  • Future: Je me lèverai tôt demain (I will get up early tomorrow)
  • Passé composé: Nous nous sommes amusés hier soir (We had fun last night)
  • Imperative: Lève-toi ! (Get up!)

Tips for Learning Pronominal Verbs

  1. Practice conjugating common pronominal verbs in different tenses
  2. Pay attention to pronominal verbs when reading French texts
  3. Use pronominal verbs in your conversations to reinforce your learning
  4. Remember that many actions related to daily routines use pronominal verbs in French

Pronominal verbs are an essential part of French grammar.

By understanding and using them correctly, you'll sound more natural and express yourself more precisely in French.

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