French Reflexive Pronouns: Me, Te, Se, Nous, Vous, Se

Updated on 2024-08-21

French reflexive pronouns play a crucial role in expressing actions that someone performs on themselves. Unlike English, where we might say "I wash myself," French uses these pronouns more frequently and in various contexts. Let's explore how to use them effectively.

What Are French Reflexive Pronouns?

French reflexive pronouns are:

  • me (myself)
  • te (yourself - singular informal)
  • se (himself/herself/itself/oneself)
  • nous (ourselves)
  • vous (yourself - formal or yourselves - plural)
  • se (themselves)

These pronouns appear before the verb in most sentences. When they precede a word starting with a vowel sound, me, te, and se become m', t', and s' respectively.

How to Use French Reflexive Pronouns

First Person Singular: Me (M')

"Me" is used when the speaker performs an action on themselves.


  1. Je me lave. (I wash myself.)
  2. Je m'habille. (I dress myself.)
  3. Je me couche tôt. (I go to bed early.)

Second Person Singular: Te (T')

"Te" is used when speaking informally to someone about an action they perform on themselves.


  1. Tu te brosses les dents. (You brush your teeth.)
  2. Tu t'amuses bien ? (Are you having fun?)
  3. Tu te reposes après le travail. (You rest after work.)

Third Person Singular and Plural: Se (S')

"Se" is used for he, she, it, and they when the subject performs an action on themselves.


  1. Il se regarde dans le miroir. (He looks at himself in the mirror.)
  2. Elle s'occupe de ses affaires. (She takes care of her business.)
  3. Ils se parlent souvent. (They talk to each other often.)

First Person Plural: Nous

"Nous" is used when we (a group including the speaker) perform an action on ourselves or each other.


  1. Nous nous aimons. (We love each other/ourselves.)
  2. Nous nous préparons pour la fête. (We're getting ready for the party.)
  3. Nous nous téléphonons chaque semaine. (We call each other every week.)

Second Person Plural: Vous

"Vous" is used when speaking formally to one person or to multiple people about an action they perform on themselves.


  1. Vous vous souvenez de cette journée ? (Do you remember that day?)
  2. Vous vous êtes bien amusés ? (Did you have a good time?)
  3. Vous vous connaissez depuis longtemps ? (Have you known each other for a long time?)

Common Verbs That Use Reflexive Pronouns

Many French verbs are commonly used with reflexive pronouns:

  • se laver (to wash oneself)
  • s'habiller (to dress oneself)
  • se réveiller (to wake up)
  • se coucher (to go to bed)
  • s'amuser (to have fun)
  • se souvenir (to remember)

Tips for Using French Reflexive Pronouns

  1. Match the pronoun to the subject: Always use the reflexive pronoun that corresponds to the subject of the sentence.

  2. Position: Place the reflexive pronoun before the verb in most cases.

  3. Imperative form: In positive commands, the reflexive pronoun comes after the verb and is connected by a hyphen. Example: Lave-toi les mains. (Wash your hands.)

  4. Compound tenses: In compound tenses like passé composé, the reflexive pronoun comes before the auxiliary verb. Example: Je me suis levé tôt. (I got up early.)

  5. Agreement: In compound tenses, the past participle usually agrees with the subject when using reflexive pronouns. Example: Elle s'est lavée. (She washed herself.)

Practice Makes Perfect

Understanding reflexive pronouns is key to speaking natural French. At leç, we offer interactive exercises to help you master these essential elements of French grammar. Practice using reflexive pronouns in various contexts to improve your French fluency.

Remember, French uses reflexive pronouns more frequently than English. By incorporating them into your language practice, you'll sound more like a native speaker and express yourself more accurately in French.

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