French Numbers: How to Count to 20

Updated on 2024-08-19

Learning to count in French is an essential skill for beginners. This guide will help you master the numbers from 1 to 20, providing pronunciation tips and usage examples.

Numbers 1-10

  1. Un (uh)
  2. Deux (duh)
  3. Trois (twah)
  4. Quatre (kat-ruh)
  5. Cinq (sank)
  6. Six (sees)
  7. Sept (set)
  8. Huit (weet)
  9. Neuf (nuhf)
  10. Dix (dees)

Numbers 11-20

  1. Onze (onz)
  2. Douze (dooz)
  3. Treize (trez)
  4. Quatorze (ka-torz)
  5. Quinze (kanz)
  6. Seize (sez)
  7. Dix-sept (dee-set)
  8. Dix-huit (dee-zweet)
  9. Dix-neuf (deez-nuhf)
  10. Vingt (van)

Usage Tips

  • When telling time, use these numbers: "Il est sept heures" (It's seven o'clock)
  • For ages, say: "J'ai vingt ans" (I'm twenty years old)
  • In dates: "Le quatorze juillet" (July 14th, Bastille Day)

Practice these numbers regularly to improve your French speaking skills and numerical fluency.

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