How to Recognize the Imperfect Subjunctive in French

Updated on 2024-08-30

The imperfect subjunctive (imparfait du subjonctif) is a sophisticated verb form found primarily in French literature and formal writing.

While it's not commonly used in everyday speech, understanding this tense can significantly enhance your ability to appreciate classic French texts.

When Is the Imperfect Subjunctive Used?

The imperfect subjunctive appears in formal writing when:

  1. A subjunctive-requiring verb or expression is in the past tense
  2. The subordinate clause refers to a past action

In modern French, it's often replaced by the present or past subjunctive. However, recognizing the imperfect subjunctive is crucial for comprehending older texts.

Recognizing the Imperfect Subjunctive

Distinctive Endings

The imperfect subjunctive has unique endings that set it apart:

  • Je: -sse
  • Tu: -sses
  • Il/Elle/On: -^t (with a circumflex)
  • Nous: -ssions
  • Vous: -ssiez
  • Ils/Elles: -ssent

Examples in Context

Let's look at some examples to help you identify this tense:

  1. "Je craignais qu'il fût mort." (I feared he was dead.)
  2. "Elle voyagea quoiqu'elle n'eût point d'argent." (She traveled even though she had no money.)
  3. "J'ai voulu qu'il choisît." (I wanted him to choose.)

Conjugation Patterns

-ER Verbs

For -ER verbs, use the il form of the passé simple as the stem:

  • Donner: je donnasse, tu donnasses, il donnât, nous donnassions, vous donnassiez, ils donnassent

-IR Verbs

For -IR verbs, use the il form of the passé simple minus the final -t:

  • Choisir: je choisisse, tu choisisses, il choisît, nous choisissions, vous choisissiez, ils choisissent

-RE Verbs

Similarly, for -RE verbs, use the il form of the passé simple minus the final -t:

  • Vendre: je vendisse, tu vendisses, il vendît, nous vendissions, vous vendissiez, ils vendissent

Why Learn the Imperfect Subjunctive?

While you don't need to actively use this tense, recognizing it will:

  1. Improve your comprehension of classic French literature
  2. Help you appreciate the nuances in formal writing
  3. Deepen your understanding of French language evolution

Practical Tips for Mastering Recognition

  1. Read excerpts from classic French literature regularly
  2. Practice identifying the imperfect subjunctive in context
  3. Compare modern translations to see how it's replaced today

At leç, we offer tailored exercises to help you recognize and understand the imperfect subjunctive in various contexts.

Our AI-powered platform adapts to your learning pace, ensuring you grasp this sophisticated aspect of French grammar effectively.


The imperfect subjunctive adds depth to French literature. Recognizing it enhances your reading skills and appreciation of formal French writing.

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