How to Use 'C'est que' in French

Updated on 2024-08-27

The French expression "C'est que" is a common phrase that can sometimes be tricky for learners. Let's explore its usage and when it requires the subjunctive mood.

Understanding "C'est que"

"C'est que" generally translates to "It's that" or "It's because" in English. This expression is used to introduce an explanation or reason for something.

When to Use the Subjunctive with "C'est que"

The use of the subjunctive with "C'est que" depends on the context:

Affirmative Statements

In affirmative statements, "C'est que" is typically followed by the indicative mood.


  • C'est que je ne sais pas conduire. (It's that I don't know how to drive.)

Negative Statements

When "C'est que" is used in a negative form, it often requires the subjunctive.


  • Ce n'est pas que je ne sache pas conduire. (It's not that I don't know how to drive.)

Interrogative Statements

In questions, "C'est que" may be followed by the subjunctive, especially in formal contexts.


  • Est-ce que c'est que tu ne saches pas conduire ? (Is it that you don't know how to drive?)

Practice Examples

Let's look at more examples to reinforce your understanding:

  1. C'est qu'il pleut aujourd'hui. (It's that it's raining today.)
  2. Ce n'est pas qu'elle soit paresseuse, c'est qu'elle est très occupée. (It's not that she's lazy, it's that she's very busy.)
  3. Est-ce que c'est que vous ayez peur des chiens ? (Is it that you're afraid of dogs?)
  4. C'est que nous avons oublié nos passeports. (It's that we forgot our passports.)
  5. Ce n'est pas que je ne veuille pas t'aider. (It's not that I don't want to help you.)

Tips for Using "C'est que"

  1. Pay attention to the context: Is it affirmative, negative, or a question?
  2. In informal spoken French, the indicative is often used even in negative and interrogative forms.
  3. Practice with various examples to internalize the pattern.


Understanding when to use the subjunctive with "C'est que" will improve your French fluency. Keep practicing these structures in different contexts.

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