How to Use Compound Modal Verbs in French

Updated on 2024-08-29

Compound modal verbs are an essential part of English grammar, but they don't exist in the same form in French. Understanding how to express these concepts in French is crucial for effective communication.

Let's explore the French equivalents of compound modal verbs and how to use them correctly.

Could Have

In French, "could have" is typically expressed using the verb pouvoir in the conditional perfect tense.


  1. He could have been right. - Il aurait pu avoir raison.
  2. We could have won the game. - Nous aurions pu gagner le match.
  3. You could have called me. - Tu aurais pu m'appeler.

May Have and Might Have

Both "may have" and "might have" are translated in French using peut-être with a past tense or il se peut que followed by the past subjunctive.


  1. She may have forgotten her keys. - Elle a peut-être oublié ses clés.
  2. They might have arrived already. - Il se peut qu'ils soient déjà arrivés.
  3. The package may have been delivered yesterday. - Le colis a peut-être été livré hier.

Must Have

To express "must have" in French, use the verb devoir in the passé composé.


  1. He must have forgotten our appointment. - Il a dû oublier notre rendez-vous.
  2. You must have worked hard to achieve this. - Tu as dû travailler dur pour réaliser cela.
  3. They must have left early. - Ils ont dû partir tôt.

Shall Have and Will Have

Both "shall have" and "will have" followed by a past participle are equivalent to the French future perfect tense.


  1. By next year, I will have completed my studies. - D'ici l'année prochaine, j'aurai terminé mes études.
  2. They shall have arrived by the time we get there. - Ils seront arrivés quand nous y arriverons.
  3. She will have finished the project by Friday. - Elle aura fini le projet d'ici vendredi.

Should Have

"Should have" is expressed in French using devoir in the conditional perfect tense.


  1. You should have called me. - Tu aurais dû m'appeler.
  2. We should have left earlier. - Nous aurions dû partir plus tôt.
  3. They should have studied more for the exam. - Ils auraient dû étudier davantage pour l'examen.

Would Have

"Would have" is translated using the French conditional perfect tense.


  1. I would have helped if I had known. - J'aurais aidé si j'avais su.
  2. She would have come to the party. - Elle serait venue à la fête.
  3. We would have visited Paris if we had more time. - Nous aurions visité Paris si nous avions eu plus de temps.


Mastering compound modal verbs in French enhances your ability to express nuanced ideas and hypothetical scenarios. Regular practice is key to fluency.

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