How to Use French Impersonal Expressions

Updated on 2024-08-25

French impersonal expressions are a crucial part of everyday conversation. These phrases add nuance and help you express opinions more naturally.

Let's explore how to use these expressions effectively.

What Are French Impersonal Expressions?

French impersonal expressions consist of an impersonal subject (usually "il" or "ce") followed by the verb "être" and an adjective.

They're used to describe general situations or opinions without specifying a particular subject.

Common French Impersonal Expressions

Here are some frequently used impersonal expressions in French:

Expressing Possibility

  • Il est possible que... (It's possible that...)
  • C'est probable que... (It's likely that...)

Describing Necessity

  • Il est nécessaire de... (It's necessary to...)
  • C'est important de... (It's important to...)

Conveying Opinions

  • Il est clair que... (It's clear that...)
  • C'est évident que... (It's obvious that...)

How to Use Impersonal Expressions

To use these expressions correctly, follow this structure:

  1. Start with "Il est" or "C'est"
  2. Add the appropriate adjective
  3. Use "que" or "de" depending on what follows

For example:

  • Il est important de parler français chaque jour. (It's important to speak French every day.)
  • C'est évident qu'elle aime la cuisine française. (It's obvious that she likes French cuisine.)

Examples in Context

Let's see how these expressions work in real-life situations:

  1. Weather:

    • Il est probable qu'il pleuve demain. (It's likely to rain tomorrow.)
  2. Opinions:

    • C'est dommage que tu ne puisses pas venir. (It's too bad you can't come.)
  3. Advice:

    • Il est important de réviser régulièrement. (It's important to review regularly.)
  4. Observations:

    • C'est étrange qu'il ne soit pas encore arrivé. (It's strange that he hasn't arrived yet.)

Tips for Using Impersonal Expressions

  1. Practice with common expressions first
  2. Pay attention to whether "que" or "de" is needed after the expression
  3. Use these phrases to sound more natural in conversations
  4. Remember that "C'est" is more informal than "Il est"


Mastering French impersonal expressions will significantly improve your French speaking skills. Practice these phrases regularly to integrate them into your everyday French conversations.

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