How to Use French Interrogative Adjectives

Updated on 2024-08-26

French interrogative adjectives are essential tools for asking questions about choices or preferences.

Let's explore how to use them correctly and naturally in your French conversations.

What Are French Interrogative Adjectives?

Interrogative adjectives in French, primarily "quel" and its variations, are used to ask "which" or "what" when referring to a noun. They help you inquire about specific choices or options.

Forms of French Interrogative Adjectives

French interrogative adjectives change based on the gender and number of the noun they modify:

| Gender | Singular | Plural | |-----------|----------|--------| | Masculine | quel | quels | | Feminine | quelle | quelles|

All forms are pronounced the same before consonants, but require liaison before vowels or silent h's.

How to Use Interrogative Adjectives

  1. Place them directly before the noun
  2. Use them instead of an article, not with one
  3. Make them agree with the noun in gender and number


  • Quel film veux-tu voir ? (Which movie do you want to see?)
  • Quelle ville préfères-tu ? (Which city do you prefer?)

Forming Questions with Interrogative Adjectives

You can form questions using either "est-ce que" or inversion:

  • Quel livre est-ce que tu lis ? (Which book are you reading?)
  • Quelle musique aimes-tu ? (What music do you like?)

For informal speech, place "quel" and the noun at the end:

  • Tu lis quel livre ? (You're reading which book?)

Special Uses with "être"

When used with "être" (to be), interrogative adjectives have specific meanings:

  • Quel est...? = What is...?
  • Quels sont...? = What are...?


  • Quelle est la capitale de la France ? (What is the capital of France?)
  • Quels sont tes plats préférés ? (What are your favorite dishes?)

Common Expressions

Learn these frequently used expressions:

  • Quelle heure est-il ? (What time is it?)
  • Quelle est la date ? (What's the date?)
  • Quel jour sommes-nous ? (What day is it?)

Beyond Questions

Interrogative adjectives aren't just for questions. They're also used in indirect questions:

  • Je ne sais pas quel chemin prendre. (I don't know which path to take.)
  • Dis-moi quelle couleur tu préfères. (Tell me which color you prefer.)

Practice Makes Perfect

To truly master French interrogative adjectives, regular practice is key. Try forming questions about various topics using "quel" and its forms. leç offers personalized exercises to help you reinforce this grammar point effectively.


French interrogative adjectives are crucial for asking specific questions and expressing curiosity.

With practice, you'll use them naturally in your French conversations.

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