How to Use French Reflexive Pronouns

Updated on 2024-08-29

French reflexive pronouns are essential for describing actions that subjects perform on themselves. Unlike English, French uses these pronouns frequently in everyday speech.

Let's explore how to use them correctly and naturally.

What Are French Reflexive Pronouns?

Reflexive pronouns indicate that the subject of a sentence is performing an action on itself. They're always used with pronominal verbs and must agree with the subject.

French Reflexive Pronoun Forms

Here's a quick overview of French reflexive pronouns:

  • me (m', moi) - myself
  • te (t', toi) - yourself (singular, informal)
  • se (s') - himself/herself/itself/oneself
  • nous - ourselves
  • vous - yourself (formal) / yourselves
  • se (s') - themselves

How to Use Reflexive Pronouns

Placement in Sentences

Reflexive pronouns are placed directly before the verb:

  • Je me lave. (I wash myself.)
  • Nous nous amusons. (We're having fun.)

With Different Tenses

Reflexive pronouns are used in all tenses:

  • Present: Je me lève tôt. (I get up early.)
  • Future: Vous vous verrez demain. (You will see each other tomorrow.)
  • Past: Ils se sont rencontrés hier. (They met each other yesterday.)

Common Pronominal Verbs

Some verbs are always used with reflexive pronouns:

  • se laver (to wash oneself)
  • s'habiller (to get dressed)
  • se réveiller (to wake up)
  • se souvenir de (to remember)

Reflexive vs. Non-Reflexive Usage

The meaning of a verb can change when used reflexively:

  • Je lave la voiture. (I'm washing the car.)
  • Je me lave. (I'm washing myself.)

Reflexive Pronouns in the Imperative

In positive commands, reflexive pronouns come after the verb and are hyphenated:

  • Lève-toi ! (Get up!)
  • Amusez-vous ! (Have fun!)

Practice Exercises

Try these exercises to reinforce your understanding:

  1. Complete the sentence: Je ___ brosse les dents. (I brush my teeth.)
  2. Translate: We're talking to each other.
  3. Convert to future tense: Ils s'aiment. (They love each other.)


Mastering French reflexive pronouns is crucial for natural expression. Practice regularly to integrate them into your French conversations effortlessly.

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