How to Use Movable Adjectives in French

Updated on 2024-08-25

French adjectives can be tricky, especially when their meaning changes based on their position in a sentence. These are called "movable adjectives" or "adjectifs mobiles" in French. Understanding how to use them correctly can significantly improve your French language skills.

What Are Movable Adjectives?

Movable adjectives are a special group of French adjectives that change meaning depending on whether they're placed before or after the noun they modify. This subtle difference can completely alter the sense of a sentence.

The General Rule

Here's a simple guideline to remember:

  • When the adjective follows the noun, the meaning is usually objective or literal.
  • When the adjective precedes the noun, the meaning tends to be more subjective or figurative.

Common Movable Adjectives and Their Meanings

Let's explore some frequently used movable adjectives and how their meanings shift:


  • Before the noun: Former, ex- Example: "Notre ancien appartement" (Our former apartment)
  • After the noun: Old, ancient Example: "Notre appartement ancien" (Our old apartment)


  • Before the noun: Good, decent Example: "Un brave homme" (A good man)
  • After the noun: Brave, courageous Example: "Un homme brave" (A brave man)


  • Before the noun: Dear, beloved Example: "Un cher ami" (A dear friend)
  • After the noun: Expensive Example: "Un livre cher" (An expensive book)


  • Before the noun: Strange, odd Example: "Un curieux homme" (A strange man)
  • After the noun: Curious, inquisitive Example: "Un homme curieux" (A curious man)


  • Before the noun: Great, important Example: "Un grand homme" (A great man)
  • After the noun: Tall Example: "Un homme grand" (A tall man)

More Examples to Enhance Your Understanding

  1. Pauvre:

    • "Un pauvre homme" (An unfortunate man)
    • "Un homme pauvre" (A poor man)
  2. Propre:

    • "Ma propre voiture" (My own car)
    • "Ma voiture propre" (My clean car)
  3. Vrai:

    • "Un vrai ami" (A true friend)
    • "Une histoire vraie" (A true story)
  4. Nouveau:

    • "Un nouveau livre" (A new book - one I haven't read)
    • "Un livre nouveau" (A newly published book)
  5. Dernier:

    • "Le dernier mois" (The last month of the year)
    • "Le mois dernier" (Last month)

Tips for Mastering Movable Adjectives

  1. Context is key: Always consider the context of the sentence to determine the appropriate placement.

  2. Practice regularly: Use these adjectives in various sentences to become familiar with their dual meanings.

  3. Read French texts: Exposure to authentic French writing will help you internalize correct usage.

  4. Listen to native speakers: Pay attention to how these adjectives are used in everyday French conversations.

  5. Use language learning tools: AI-powered platforms like leç can provide personalized practice and instant feedback on your adjective usage.


Mastering movable French adjectives adds depth and precision to your language skills. With practice and attention to context, you'll soon be using these versatile words with confidence.

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