How to Use Passive Voice in French

Updated on 2024-08-27

French learners often struggle with the passive voice, but it's a crucial aspect of the language.

This guide will help you understand how to construct and use the passive voice effectively in French.

When to Use Passive Voice in French

The passive voice in French serves two main purposes:

  1. To emphasize the agent of an action
  2. To avoid mentioning the subject when it's unknown or unimportant

Emphasizing the Agent

In passive constructions, the agent appears at the end of the sentence, giving it more weight:

  • Ce livre est lu par tout le monde. (This book is read by everyone.)
  • La tour Eiffel a été construite par Gustave Eiffel. (The Eiffel Tower was built by Gustave Eiffel.)

Anonymous Subject

When the subject is unknown or irrelevant, the passive voice allows you to omit it:

  • Le musée sera fermé demain. (The museum will be closed tomorrow.)
  • Les décisions ont été prises hier soir. (The decisions were made last night.)

How to Form the Passive Voice in French

To create the passive voice in French:

  1. Use the appropriate form of "être" (to be)
  2. Add the past participle of the main verb
  3. Introduce the agent with "par" or "de" (if mentioned)


  • Active: Les étudiants lisent le livre. (The students read the book.)
  • Passive: Le livre est lu par les étudiants. (The book is read by the students.)

"Par" vs "De" in Passive Constructions

The choice between "par" and "de" depends on the type of verb:

Use "Par" with Action Verbs

  • La lettre a été écrite par Marie. (The letter was written by Marie.)
  • Le repas est préparé par le chef. (The meal is prepared by the chef.)

Use "De" with Feeling or Opinion Verbs

  • Il est aimé de tous ses amis. (He is loved by all his friends.)
  • Cette idée est appréciée de tout le monde. (This idea is appreciated by everyone.)

Alternatives to Passive Voice

While the passive voice is useful, it can sound formal. Here are some alternatives:

1. Use "On" for an Impersonal Subject

  • On a pris la décision hier. (The decision was made yesterday.)
  • On vend beaucoup de croissants ici. (Many croissants are sold here.)

2. Use the Reflexive "Se" Construction

  • Le problème s'est résolu facilement. (The problem was solved easily.)
  • Ces livres se vendent bien. (These books sell well.)

3. Emphasize with "C'est" or "Ce sont"

  • C'est le chef qui a préparé ce plat. (It's the chef who prepared this dish.)
  • Ce sont les étudiants qui ont organisé l'événement. (It's the students who organized the event.)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Using passive voice with intransitive verbs (verbs without direct objects)
  2. Forgetting to make the past participle agree with the subject in gender and number
  3. Overusing passive voice when a more natural active construction would work better

Practice Exercises

To solidify your understanding, try these exercises:

  1. Transform these active sentences into passive:

    • Le facteur livre le courrier. (The mailman delivers the mail.)
    • Tout le monde admire son travail. (Everyone admires his work.)
  2. Choose between "par" and "de":

    • Le concert est apprécié ___ le public. (The concert is appreciated by the audience.)
    • La maison a été construite ___ mon grand-père. (The house was built by my grandfather.)
  3. Rewrite these passive sentences using alternatives:

    • Le musée est visité par beaucoup de touristes. (The museum is visited by many tourists.)
    • Cette décision est critiquée par les experts. (This decision is criticized by experts.)


Mastering the passive voice in French enhances your ability to express ideas with nuance and precision. Practice regularly to internalize these structures and use them naturally in your French communication.

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