How to Use the French Conditional Mood: Essential Guide

Updated on 2024-08-29

The French conditional mood is a crucial aspect of the language that allows speakers to express hypothetical situations, make polite requests, and convey indirect speech.

This guide will help you understand and use the conditional mood effectively in your French conversations.

When to Use the French Conditional

Hypothetical Situations

The most common use of the French conditional is in "si" (if) clauses to describe what would happen if a certain condition were met.


  • Si j'avais plus d'argent, je voyagerais plus. (If I had more money, I would travel more.)
  • Elle réussirait l'examen si elle étudiait davantage. (She would pass the exam if she studied more.)

Polite Requests

The conditional form of "vouloir" (to want) is often used to make polite requests.


  • Je voudrais un café, s'il vous plaît. (I would like a coffee, please.)
  • Nous voudrions réserver une table pour ce soir. (We would like to book a table for tonight.)

Expressing Wishes

The conditional form of "aimer" (to like) can express wishes or desires.


  • J'aimerais visiter le Japon un jour. (I would like to visit Japan someday.)
  • Nous aimerions avoir plus de temps libre. (We would like to have more free time.)

Indirect Speech

When reporting speech about future events, the conditional is used to replace the future tense.


  • Direct: Il a dit, "Je partirai demain." (He said, "I will leave tomorrow.")
  • Indirect: Il a dit qu'il partirait demain. (He said that he would leave tomorrow.)

How to Form the Conditional

To form the conditional in French:

  1. Start with the future stem of the verb.
  2. Add the imperfect endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.

For regular verbs, this is straightforward:

  • Parler (to speak): je parlerais, tu parlerais, il/elle/on parlerait, nous parlerions, vous parleriez, ils/elles parleraient

Some irregular verbs have special conditional stems:

  • Être (to be): je serais, tu serais, il/elle/on serait, etc.
  • Avoir (to have): j'aurais, tu aurais, il/elle/on aurait, etc.
  • Aller (to go): j'irais, tu irais, il/elle/on irait, etc.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Don't use the conditional after "si" in hypothetical "if...then" clauses. Use the imperfect tense instead. Correct: Si j'avais le temps, je le ferais. (If I had time, I would do it.) Incorrect: ~~Si j'aurais le temps, je le ferais.~~

  2. The conditional of "vouloir" is not used after "si" for polite requests. Correct: Si vous voulez, nous pouvons commencer. (If you want, we can start.) Incorrect: ~~Si vous voudriez, nous pouvons commencer.~~

  3. Don't confuse the conditional with the future tense in indirect speech. Correct: Elle a dit qu'elle viendrait demain. (She said she would come tomorrow.) Incorrect: ~~Elle a dit qu'elle viendra demain.~~ (in this context)

Practice Makes Perfect

To master the French conditional, regular practice is key. Try creating sentences about hypothetical situations, make polite requests, and express wishes using the conditional mood. With time and practice, you'll find yourself using the conditional naturally in your French conversations.

At leç, we offer personalized exercises and real-time feedback to help you perfect your use of the French conditional. Our AI-powered platform adapts to your learning style, ensuring you get the most effective practice for mastering this essential aspect of French grammar.


The French conditional mood is a versatile and important part of the language. By understanding its uses and practicing regularly, you'll enhance your ability to express complex ideas in French.

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