How to Use the French Future Tense

Updated on 2024-08-29

The French future tense is an essential part of the language, allowing you to talk about upcoming events and make predictions.

Unlike English, which uses "will" followed by a verb, French has a specific set of conjugations for the future tense. Let's explore how to use this tense effectively.

Forming the Future Tense

To form the future tense in French, you generally add the following endings to the infinitive form of the verb:

  • -ai (je)
  • -as (tu)
  • -a (il/elle/on)
  • -ons (nous)
  • -ez (vous)
  • -ont (ils/elles)

For example:

  • Parler (to speak) → Je parlerai (I will speak)
  • Finir (to finish) → Tu finiras (You will finish)
  • Vendre (to sell) → Il vendra (He will sell)

Irregular Verbs in the Future Tense

Some common verbs have irregular stems in the future tense:

  • Aller (to go) → j'irai
  • Avoir (to have) → j'aurai
  • Être (to be) → je serai
  • Faire (to do/make) → je ferai
  • Venir (to come) → je viendrai

When to Use the Future Tense

1. Talking About Future Events

Use the future tense to discuss actions or events that will happen in the future:

  • Je voyagerai en France l'année prochaine. (I will travel to France next year.)
  • Nous achèterons une nouvelle voiture bientôt. (We will buy a new car soon.)

2. Making Predictions

Express predictions or assumptions about the future:

  • Il pleuvra demain. (It will rain tomorrow.)
  • Les prix augmenteront probablement. (Prices will probably increase.)

3. Conditional Statements

In 'si' (if) clauses, use the future tense in the main clause when the condition is in the present tense:

  • Si j'ai le temps, je passerai te voir. (If I have time, I will come to see you.)
  • Si tu étudies régulièrement, tu réussiras tes examens. (If you study regularly, you will pass your exams.)

4. With Future Time Expressions

Certain time expressions often trigger the use of the future tense:

  • Demain, je commencerai un nouveau projet. (Tomorrow, I will start a new project.)
  • La semaine prochaine, nous visiterons Paris. (Next week, we will visit Paris.)

Special Uses of the Future Tense

Futuristic Conjunctions

Some conjunctions require the future tense in French, even when English uses the present tense:

  • Quand tu arriveras, appelle-moi. (When you arrive, call me.)
  • Dès que j'aurai fini, je te rejoindrai. (As soon as I finish, I'll join you.)

Polite Requests

The future tense can be used to make polite requests or give soft commands:

  • Vous voudrez bien signer ici, s'il vous plaît. (You will kindly sign here, please.)
  • Tu fermeras la porte en partant. (You'll close the door when you leave.)

Journalistic Style

In news reports or historical accounts, the future tense is sometimes used to describe past events:

  • En 1969, Neil Armstrong deviendra le premier homme à marcher sur la lune. (In 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon.)

Practice Makes Perfect

To master the French future tense, regular practice is key. Try these exercises:

  1. Conjugate different verbs in the future tense.
  2. Create sentences about your plans for next week.
  3. Write a short paragraph predicting what life will be like in 50 years.

Remember, leç offers personalized exercises and real-time feedback to help you perfect your French future tense usage. With consistent practice, you'll soon be expressing future actions and making predictions like a native French speaker.


The French future tense is versatile and essential for expressing upcoming events and predictions. By understanding its formation and various uses, you'll significantly enhance your French communication skills.

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