How to Use the French Infinitive

Updated on 2024-08-30

The French infinitive is a fundamental verb form that every French learner needs to understand.

It's the base form of the verb, typically ending in -er, -ir, or -re.

Let's explore how to use it effectively in your French conversations and writing.

What is the French Infinitive?

The infinitive is the unconjugated form of a verb. In English, it's usually preceded by "to," like "to speak" or "to eat."

In French, it's the form you'll find in dictionaries and verb tables.


  • parler (to speak)
  • finir (to finish)
  • vendre (to sell)

When to Use the Infinitive

After Certain Verbs

Some verbs in French are followed directly by an infinitive:

  • J'aime danser. (I like to dance.)
  • Nous voulons partir. (We want to leave.)

Following Prepositions

When a preposition precedes a verb, use the infinitive:

  • avant de manger (before eating)
  • pour apprendre (in order to learn)

In Impersonal Expressions

Many impersonal expressions require an infinitive:

  • Il est important de pratiquer. (It's important to practice.)
  • C'est difficile à comprendre. (It's difficult to understand.)

Giving Instructions

In recipes or manuals, the infinitive is used for instructions:

  • Mélanger les ingrédients. (Mix the ingredients.)
  • Ne pas toucher. (Do not touch.)

Word Order with Infinitives

The word order with infinitives is simpler than with conjugated verbs:

  1. Negation comes before the infinitive:

    • Ne pas fumer. (Do not smoke.)
  2. Pronouns precede the infinitive:

    • Je veux le faire. (I want to do it.)
  3. With both negation and pronouns, negation comes first:

    • Il m'a dit de ne pas le faire. (He told me not to do it.)

Using Infinitives as Nouns

Infinitives can function as nouns in French:

  • Dormir est important. (Sleeping is important.)
  • Le savoir, c'est le pouvoir. (Knowledge is power.)

Practice Makes Perfect

To truly grasp the French infinitive, practice is key. Try constructing sentences using different contexts where infinitives are required.

Start with simple structures and gradually move to more complex ones.

Remember, the infinitive is a versatile form in French. Mastering its use will significantly improve your French language skills and help you express yourself more naturally.

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