How to Use the Imperative Mood in French

Updated on 2024-08-30

The imperative mood is a crucial aspect of French grammar that allows you to express commands, requests, and advice.

Whether you're telling someone to stop, asking them to do their homework, or offering a polite suggestion, understanding the imperative is essential for effective communication in French.

What is the Imperative Mood?

The imperative mood in French, known as "l'impératif" in French, is used to:

  • Give direct orders
  • Make polite requests
  • Express desires or wishes
  • Provide recommendations
  • Offer advice or suggestions
  • Prohibit actions

Forming Affirmative Commands

Affirmative commands are used when you want someone to do something. They're straightforward and direct.

Examples of Affirmative Commands:

  1. "Arrêtez !" (Stop!)
  2. "Fais tes devoirs !" (Do your homework!)
  3. "Prenez soin de vous." (Take care of yourself.)

For an extra polite touch, you can use the verb "vouloir" (to want) in the imperative:

  1. "Veuillez patienter ici." (Please wait here.)
  2. "Veuillez vous asseoir." (Please sit down.)

Imperative Conjugations

To form the imperative, you use the present tense conjugation for tu, nous, and vous, but drop the subject pronoun. For -er verbs, you also drop the 's' in the tu form.

Example with "parler" (to speak):

  • (Tu) Parle ! (Speak!)
  • (Nous) Parlons ! (Let's speak!)
  • (Vous) Parlez ! (Speak! - formal or plural)

Forming Negative Commands

Negative commands tell someone not to do something. They follow the same structure as affirmative commands but with "ne... pas" around the verb.

Examples of Negative Commands:

  1. "Ne parle pas !" (Don't speak!)
  2. "N'oubliez pas vos clés !" (Don't forget your keys!)
  3. "Ne mangeons pas trop vite !" (Let's not eat too fast!)

Word Order in Imperative Sentences

The imperative mood has a unique word order compared to other French verb tenses and moods. In affirmative commands, pronouns follow the verb and are connected by hyphens.

Examples of Pronoun Placement:

  1. "Parle-lui." (Talk to him/her.)
  2. "Montrez-le-nous." (Show it to us.)

When using the object pronouns "me" and "te" with "en" or "y", they contract:

  1. "Parlez-m'en." (Talk to me about that.)
  2. "Mets-t'y." (Stand there.)

Special Cases with "Me" and "Te"

In affirmative imperatives, "me" and "te" change to their stressed forms "moi" and "toi" when they're at the end of the verbal construction:

  1. "Parle-moi." (Talk to me.)
  2. "Accroche-toi." (Hang on.)

Common Uses of the Imperative in Everyday French

Understanding the imperative mood allows you to navigate various everyday situations in French. Here are some practical examples:

Giving Directions:

  • "Tournez à gauche." (Turn left.)
  • "Continuez tout droit." (Go straight ahead.)

Making Requests:

  • "Passez-moi le sel, s'il vous plaît." (Pass me the salt, please.)
  • "Appelez-moi demain." (Call me tomorrow.)

Offering Advice:

  • "Reposez-vous bien." (Rest well.)
  • "N'oubliez pas de boire beaucoup d'eau." (Don't forget to drink plenty of water.)

Expressing Warnings:

  • "Faites attention à la marche." (Watch your step.)
  • "Ne touchez pas, c'est chaud !" (Don't touch, it's hot!)

Encouraging or Motivating:

  • "Courage, tu peux le faire !" (Come on, you can do it!)
  • "N'abandonnez jamais vos rêves." (Never give up on your dreams.)


The French imperative mood is a powerful tool for direct communication.

By understanding its forms and uses, you'll enhance your French speaking and writing skills significantly.

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