Master French Subjunctive Conjugations: A Simple Guide

Updated on 2024-08-28

The French subjunctive mood can be tricky, but conjugating subjunctive verbs is surprisingly straightforward.

Let's break it down into simple steps and examples to help you master this essential aspect of French grammar.

The Basic Pattern for Subjunctive Conjugations

Most French verbs, including regular -er, -ir, and -re verbs, follow a consistent pattern for subjunctive conjugations:

  1. Start with the present tense "ils" form of the verb
  2. Remove the -ent ending to find the subjunctive stem
  3. Add the appropriate subjunctive ending

Subjunctive Endings

  • que je/j' -e
  • que tu -es
  • qu'il/elle/on -e
  • que nous -ions
  • que vous -iez
  • qu'ils/elles -ent

Examples of Subjunctive Conjugations

Let's apply this pattern to some common verbs:

Aimer (to like/love)

  • ils aiment → aim-
  • que j'aime
  • que tu aimes
  • qu'il/elle aime
  • que nous aimions
  • que vous aimiez
  • qu'ils/elles aiment

Finir (to finish)

  • ils finissent → finiss-
  • que je finisse
  • que tu finisses
  • qu'il/elle finisse
  • que nous finissions
  • que vous finissiez
  • qu'ils/elles finissent

Vendre (to sell)

  • ils vendent → vend-
  • que je vende
  • que tu vendes
  • qu'il/elle vende
  • que nous vendions
  • que vous vendiez
  • qu'ils/elles vendent

Irregular Verbs in the Subjunctive

Many irregular verbs follow the standard subjunctive pattern:

Partir (to leave)

  • ils partent → part-
  • que je parte
  • que tu partes
  • qu'il/elle parte
  • que nous partions
  • que vous partiez
  • qu'ils/elles partent

Couvrir (to cover)

  • ils couvrent → couvr-
  • que je couvre
  • que tu couvres
  • qu'il/elle couvre
  • que nous couvrions
  • que vous couvriez
  • qu'ils/elles couvrent

Mettre (to put)

  • ils mettent → mett-
  • que je mette
  • que tu mettes
  • qu'il/elle mette
  • que nous mettions
  • que vous mettiez
  • qu'ils/elles mettent

Helpful Tips for Subjunctive Conjugations

  1. Practice with -er verbs first, as their singular and third person plural forms are identical in the indicative and subjunctive moods.

  2. Focus on learning the "nous" and "vous" forms, as they often differ from the indicative.

  3. Some highly irregular verbs have unique subjunctive conjugations. Memorize these separately.

  4. Use mnemonic devices or songs to remember the subjunctive endings.

  5. Practice regularly with varied exercises to reinforce your understanding.


Mastering French subjunctive conjugations takes practice, but the consistent patterns make it easier than you might think.

Keep these rules and examples in mind as you continue your French language journey.

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