Mastering French Irregular Plurals: Essential Guide for Nouns and Adjectives

Updated on 2024-08-26

While most French nouns and adjectives form their plurals by simply adding -s, there are some tricky exceptions. These irregular plurals often require an -x instead of -s and may involve other spelling changes.

Let's break down these irregular patterns to help you navigate French plurals with confidence.

Nouns and Adjectives Ending in -ail

For words ending in -ail, the plural form usually changes to -aux.


  • un bail → des baux (lease/leases)

However, be aware that some common words like "détail" and "rail" follow the regular -s rule:

  • un détail → des détails (detail/details)
  • un rail → des rails (rail/rails)

Words Ending in -al

Most nouns and adjectives ending in -al change to -aux in the plural.


  • un animal → des animaux (animal/animals)
  • idéal → idéaux (ideal)

Exceptions include "bal" (ball) and "carnaval" (carnival), which simply add -s:

  • un bal → des bals
  • un carnaval → des carnavals

Nouns and Adjectives Ending in -au or -eau

Words ending in -au or -eau almost always add -x in the plural.


  • un tuyau → des tuyaux (pipe/pipes)
  • un bateau → des bateaux (boat/boats)
  • nouveau → nouveaux (new)

One notable exception is "landau" (baby carriage), which uses -s:

  • un landau → des landaus

Words Ending in -eu

Most nouns ending in -eu add -x in the plural.


  • un jeu → des jeux (game/games)

However, "pneu" (tire) can take either -s or -x:

  • un pneu → des pneus or des pneux

Nouns Ending in -ou

While most nouns ending in -ou simply add -s, there are seven exceptions that take -x:

  1. bijou → bijoux (jewel/jewelry)
  2. caillou → cailloux (pebble)
  3. chou → choux (cabbage)
  4. genou → genoux (knee)
  5. hibou → hiboux (owl)
  6. joujou → joujoux (toy)
  7. pou → poux (louse)

Remember these seven with the mnemonic device: CaGeHiBiJouChouPou (each syllable represents one of the exceptions).


Irregular plurals in French may seem daunting at first, but with practice, they'll become second nature.

Keep these rules in mind, and you'll be forming plurals like a native speaker in no time.

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