Mastering Tout in French: When to Use Tout, Tous, Toute, and Toutes

Updated on 2024-08-21

French learners often find the word "tout" challenging due to its multiple forms and uses.

This versatile word can function as an adjective, pronoun, or adverb, each with its own rules for agreement and pronunciation.

Let's explore how to use tout, tous, toute, and toutes correctly in various contexts.

Tout as an Indefinite Adjective

When used as an indefinite adjective, "tout" generally translates to "all," "every," "entire," or "whole" in English. It agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies:

  • Masculine singular: tout (silent 't')
  • Masculine plural: tous (silent 's')
  • Feminine singular: toute (pronounced 't')
  • Feminine plural: toutes (pronounced 't')


  1. Tout homme a le droit de rêver. (Every man has the right to dream.)
  2. Tous les chats aiment dormir. (All cats love to sleep.)
  3. Toute personne est la bienvenue ici. (Every person is welcome here.)
  4. Toutes les fleurs sont belles au printemps. (All flowers are beautiful in spring.)

Tout as a Pronoun

Neutral Pronoun

As a neutral pronoun, "tout" is invariable and means "everything" or "all." The final 't' is silent.


  1. Tout va bien. (Everything is fine.)
  2. C'est tout pour aujourd'hui. (That's all for today.)

Indefinite Pronoun

When used as an indefinite pronoun, "tout" can mean "everyone," "everybody," or "all." It agrees in gender and number:

  • Masculine plural: tous (pronounced 's')
  • Feminine plural: toutes (pronounced 't')


  1. Ils sont tous partis en vacances. (They have all gone on vacation.)
  2. Elles sont toutes arrivées à l'heure. (They all arrived on time.)

Tout as an Adverb

The usage of "tout" as an adverb can be tricky, as its form changes depending on what it modifies.

Modifying a Verb or Another Adverb

When modifying a verb or another adverb, "tout" remains invariable and the final 't' is silent.


  1. Ils parlent tout doucement. (They speak very softly.)
  2. Elle court tout vite. (She runs very fast.)

Modifying an Adjective

The rules change when "tout" modifies an adjective:

  1. Before masculine adjectives: remains "tout" with a silent 't' Example: Il est tout content. (He is very happy.)

  2. Before feminine adjectives:

    • Starting with a consonant: agrees as "toute" or "toutes" with pronounced 't' Example: Elle est toute contente. (She is very happy.)
    • Starting with a vowel or silent 'h': remains "tout" but 't' is pronounced Example: Elle est tout heureuse. (She is very happy.)

Common Expressions with Tout

French has many fixed expressions using "tout":

  1. Tout à fait - Absolutely
  2. Tout de suite - Right away
  3. Tout le monde - Everyone
  4. Pas du tout - Not at all

Practical Tips for Using Tout

  1. Listen carefully to native speakers to pick up on pronunciation differences.
  2. Practice with various sentence structures to internalize the agreement rules.
  3. Use leç's personalized exercises to master the different uses of "tout."


Understanding the various forms and functions of "tout" in French is crucial for expressing yourself accurately.

Just remember that "tout" can be an adjective, pronoun, or adverb, each with its own rules for agreement and pronunciation.

With practice and exposure, you'll soon be using "tout" and its variants with confidence in your French conversations.

At leç, we offer tailored exercises and real-time feedback to help you master tricky aspects of French grammar like "tout."

Our AI-powered platform adapts to your learning pace, ensuring you get the practice you need to use "tout" correctly in any context.

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