Mastering the French Verb Voir: Conjugation Guide

Updated on 2024-08-21

The French verb "voir" (to see) is a crucial part of everyday communication. Understanding its conjugation is key to expressing yourself accurately in various situations.

This guide will walk you through the conjugation of "voir" and its related verbs, helping you use them confidently in your French conversations.

The Importance of "Voir" in French

"Voir" is one of the most frequently used verbs in French. It's essential for describing visual experiences, making plans, and expressing opinions. By mastering its conjugation, you'll significantly improve your French language skills.

"Voir" and Its Derivatives

Before diving into conjugations, let's look at the verbs we'll cover:

  • voir (to see)
  • revoir (to see again)
  • entrevoir (to glimpse)
  • prévoir (to foresee, to plan)
  • pourvoir (to provide)

Conjugating "Voir" in Present Tense

Let's start with the present tense (présent de l'indicatif):

  • Je vois (I see)
  • Tu vois (You see)
  • Il/Elle/On voit (He/She/One sees)
  • Nous voyons (We see)
  • Vous voyez (You see - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles voient (They see)


  1. Je vois un chat dans le jardin. (I see a cat in the garden.)
  2. Nous voyons les étoiles ce soir. (We see the stars tonight.)
  3. Ils voient le problème clairement. (They see the problem clearly.)

Past Tense Conjugations

Passé Composé

The passé composé is used for actions completed in the past:

  • J'ai vu (I saw/have seen)
  • Tu as vu (You saw/have seen)
  • Il/Elle/On a vu (He/She/One saw/has seen)
  • Nous avons vu (We saw/have seen)
  • Vous avez vu (You saw/have seen - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles ont vu (They saw/have seen)


  1. J'ai vu un film hier soir. (I saw a movie last night.)
  2. Nous avons vu la Tour Eiffel pendant notre voyage. (We saw the Eiffel Tower during our trip.)
  3. Ils ont vu leur erreur et l'ont corrigée. (They saw their mistake and corrected it.)


The imparfait is used for ongoing or habitual actions in the past:

  • Je voyais (I was seeing/used to see)
  • Tu voyais (You were seeing/used to see)
  • Il/Elle/On voyait (He/She/One was seeing/used to see)
  • Nous voyions (We were seeing/used to see)
  • Vous voyiez (You were seeing/used to see - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles voyaient (They were seeing/used to see)


  1. Je voyais souvent mes amis le weekend. (I used to see my friends often on weekends.)
  2. Nous voyions des progrès chaque jour. (We were seeing progress every day.)
  3. Ils voyaient le problème différemment à l'époque. (They used to see the problem differently back then.)

Future Tense Conjugations

Simple Future (Futur Simple)

  • Je verrai (I will see)
  • Tu verras (You will see)
  • Il/Elle/On verra (He/She/One will see)
  • Nous verrons (We will see)
  • Vous verrez (You will see - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles verront (They will see)


  1. Je verrai le médecin demain. (I will see the doctor tomorrow.)
  2. Nous verrons ce film la semaine prochaine. (We will see this movie next week.)
  3. Ils verront les résultats bientôt. (They will see the results soon.)

Conditional Mood

The conditional is used to express hypothetical situations:

  • Je verrais (I would see)
  • Tu verrais (You would see)
  • Il/Elle/On verrait (He/She/One would see)
  • Nous verrions (We would see)
  • Vous verriez (You would see - plural/formal)
  • Ils/Elles verraient (They would see)


  1. Je verrais mieux avec des lunettes. (I would see better with glasses.)
  2. Nous verrions la situation différemment si nous avions plus d'informations. (We would see the situation differently if we had more information.)
  3. Ils verraient l'avantage s'ils essayaient. (They would see the advantage if they tried.)

Subjunctive Mood

The subjunctive is used to express doubt, desire, or necessity:

  • Que je voie (That I see)
  • Que tu voies (That you see)
  • Qu'il/elle/on voie (That he/she/one sees)
  • Que nous voyions (That we see)
  • Que vous voyiez (That you see - plural/formal)
  • Qu'ils/elles voient (That they see)


  1. Il faut que je voie le directeur. (It's necessary that I see the director.)
  2. Je souhaite que nous voyions ce spectacle ensemble. (I wish that we see this show together.)
  3. Il est important qu'ils voient les conséquences de leurs actes. (It's important that they see the consequences of their actions.)

Conjugating Derivatives of "Voir"

Most derivatives of "voir" follow the same conjugation patterns. However, there are a few exceptions:

Prévoir (to foresee, to plan)

The future and conditional forms of "prévoir" are regular:

  • Je prévoirai (I will foresee) instead of "je préverrai"
  • Je prévoirais (I would foresee) instead of "je préverrais"

Pourvoir (to provide)

"Pourvoir" has some unique forms in the simple past (passé simple) and imperfect subjunctive:

  • Je pourvus (I provided) instead of "je vis"
  • Que je pourvusse (That I provided) instead of "que je visse"


Mastering the conjugation of "voir" and its derivatives is a significant step in your French language journey.

Regular practice with these verbs will help you express visual experiences, make plans, and discuss hypothetical situations with confidence.

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